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    Dallas Ebola Cleanup Delayed

    “The family is quarantined in their apartment with their children, with infectious materials and barred from leaving. ... There are no services that will allow them to make the location safe. This is a potential death sentence,” writes John.

    California Drought Creates Desperation

    “This is what happens when a semi-arid environment is overpopulated and planted with crops that soak water up like a sponge. ... Yet people continue to move there hoping that somebody will create water from sand,” writes Paul.

    The Opinion Pages

    Op-Ed Contributor

    Emperor Putin’s War on the Truth

    It’s the task of the media to create the illusions that support the president’s imperial mission.

    Paying Afghanistan’s Bills

    The combat mission in Afghanistan may be winding down for the United States, but the end to the financial obligations seems to be nowhere in sight.

