Anniversary Presents


A time-honoured way of showing affection, gratitude or esteem, the giving and receiving of presents is one of life's greatest pleasures. Anniversary presents, therefore, should always be given with the sole intention of delighting the recipient. A thoughtful present should be appreciated regardless of cost. The time you have taken to select it will be apparent in your choice.

Generally speaking, the present should be appropriate to the anniversary. For example, landmark anniversaries (decades, silver, ruby etc) should receive special attention.

When selecting anniversary presents, remember what you have given in the past. A repeat present suggests that you take the whole business lightly, so keep a list if your memory is poor.

Try not to agonise over choice and never try to match the anticipated value of a reciprocal present. Giving and receiving are entirely separate activities, and this is not the time to weigh up the quid pro quo.

To ensure that giving is truly better than being on the receiving end, take the time to plan. A last-minute trip to the shops will leave you frazzled and spoil the experience. A present is worse than useless if it is given grudgingly.

To receive a present graciously, always show enthusiasm and never show disappointment or distaste….




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