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Especial - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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adjective \is-ˈpe-shəl\

: more than usual

Full Definition of ESPECIAL

:  being distinctive: as
a :  directed toward a particular individual, group, or end <sent especial greetings to his son> <took especial care to speak clearly>
b :  of special note or importance :  unusually great or significant <a decision of especial relevance>
c :  highly distinctive or personal :  peculiar <had an especial dislike for music>
d :  close, intimate <his especial crony>
e :  specific, particular <had no especial destination in mind>
in especial
:  in particular

Examples of ESPECIAL

  1. This is a matter of especial importance.
  2. <a candidate who handled the stunning defeat with especial grace>

Origin of ESPECIAL

Middle English, from Anglo-French — more at special
First Known Use: 14th century


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