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Peculiar - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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adjective \pi-ˈkyül-yər\

: not usual or normal

: not well : somewhat ill

Full Definition of PECULIAR

:  characteristic of only one person, group, or thing :  distinctive
:  different from the usual or normal:
a :  special, particular
b :  odd, curious
c :  eccentric, queer
pe·cu·liar·ly adverb

Examples of PECULIAR

  1. It seems peculiar that he would leave town and not tell anybody.
  2. The dog's peculiar behavior worried them.
  3. She got a peculiar feeling when the phone rang.
  4. She had a peculiar expression on her face.
  5. As military coups go, this was a most peculiar one, bloodless, and in Bangkok at least quite popular. —Ian Buruma, New York Review, 1 Mar. 2007

Origin of PECULIAR

Middle English peculier, from Latin peculiaris of private property, special, from peculium private property, from pecu cattle; akin to Latin pecus cattle — more at fee
First Known Use: 15th century


noun \pi-ˈkyül-yər\

Definition of PECULIAR

:  something exempt from ordinary jurisdiction; especially :  a church or parish exempt from the jurisdiction of the ordinary in whose territory it lies

Origin of PECULIAR

(see 1peculiar)
First Known Use: 1562


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