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I'm a Celeb Michael Buerk's wife Christine: 'He's not worried about airtime'

Michael Buerk was perhaps the surprise camp mate on this year's I'm a Celebrity. Rather than sit solemnly in the jungle, the 68-year-old newsreader has got himself right involved, with a twerking lesson and even learning how to rap... But what does his dear wife Christine think of it all?

Digital Spy caught up with Christine in Australia to talk Michael's spat with Mel, her thoughts on the other camp mates and whether she really wants Michael to win...

Michael Buerk's wife Christine

Do you think Michael is enjoying his jungle experience?
"I'm sure he's enjoying parts of it. And I'm sure he's hating other parts. I'm sure he's finding it really difficult not to have anything to read or write in there. That will be the worst thing for him. And the boredom."

Did you want Michael to do I'm a Celebrity?
"I left the decision completely to Michael. He got involved with MasterChef a few years ago, which was a disaster – and that was totally my fault. I thought he was going to be taught how to cook, so I really encouraged him to do it. About three days before he was due to start filming, he got an email asking about the ingredients for his signature dish. It was only then that it dawned on us that the show wasn't exactly what we'd imagined it to be. To be honest, that's the most nervous I've ever seen Michael."

What do you think of his relationship with Tinchy Stryder?
"I think it's great, although he's practically old enough to be Tinchy's grandfather! The show opened up with Michael on his own and then Tinchy was the next person to arrive. Whether their bonding sprang from that original meeting, I don't know. Apparently, Michael's done a rap in the jungle. I haven't heard it, but I must try and listen. That will be great to hear."

Are you looking forward to attending a few Tinchy concerts in the future?
"Why not? I think that would be great."

Melanie Sykes has been getting a little snappy with Michael in the camp. What do you think of that?
"I've noticed that Melanie has been a bit snappy. I didn't hear what he had said that made her snap at him, but I don't think he's the only person she's been snappy with. I think they are all a bit tired and hungry and snappy. I'm sure those bits get picked out in the edit. I think it's to be expected really. And you're bound to get on with some personalities more than others. I think the group dynamic is quite interesting. Michael and Vicki seem to be quite comfy together on the log; the older generation watching the youngsters."

Biggest Regrets - Melanie Sykes and Michael Buerk

© ITV / Rex Features

Melanie Sykes and Michael

What do you know about the upcoming evictions?
"They've all been terribly secretive about the evictions. We've got no idea when they are going to happen. All I know is that we'll have to travel to the site every day once the evictions start – but there's a great breakfast on offer down there."

Michael revealed a lot of personal insights about his parents in the camp. Were you surprised to hear him share these thoughts?
"I guess that shows he's relaxed in the camp. I'm sure everybody is sharing information and showing different sides of themselves. He's shared that information before. He wrote an autobiography 10 years ago. The story is out there in his book. I'm not really surprised to hear him discuss things like family, though. It must be intense in there and I'm sure they all feel like they know each other very well now. They've shared every waking and sleeping moment in really confined circumstances, so I don't think it's surprising that people will open up."

Would you like to see your husband win the jungle crown?
"That's the odd thing; that's all it is: a crown and the glory. There's nothing else. There's no prize. Because he's got commitments in the UK, we're even going to have to leave the wrap party early."

Before Michael entered the jungle, he was worried that all the viewers would be voting for the girl with the big boobs and not him. What are your thoughts on that?
"Having never watched the show properly, has it always been younger people who win? At the end of the day, it comes down to who's quick on the mobile phone. But I must not suggest that my generation is not quick on mobile phones. I'm a complete dinosaur when it comes to mobile phones, but most of my generation are not."

Carl Fogarty and Michael Buerk

© ITV / Rex Features

Carl Fogarty with Michael

What do you think of the celebrities in the jungle?
"I think they are quite a fascinating bunch. Who do I like? From the start, I thought that Mel seemed very, very strong. On day one, she was my tip – but I'm not so sure now. I think it's wide open."

Jimmy is the current bookmakers' favourite…
"It's interesting that Jimmy isn't afraid to show the wimpy side of him. Obviously, people roll with that. That's rather nice."

Does Michael have a wimpy side?
"Yes, probably. I don't know if he'll ever get to do any of these trials, but it would be interesting to see how he reacts. It's a completely different kind of stress to the stress he's faced before. Will he want to do a trial? I don't think so. Why would you?!"

The trials give people air time…
"I don't think he's worried about that."

What are his plans after this?
"He does a programme called Moral Maze on Radio 4 and he's missed a few of those. One of his conditions for doing the show was that he would get back to chair the last programme in the series, which is why we've got a tight turnaround after I'm a Celebrity finishes. He's got to be back in time for Moral Maze on the Wednesday. I think he's working on a Channel 4 Dispatches programme that's got to be wrapped up, too.

"He's got various things on. To be honest, I haven't paid too much attention to his diary because I'm getting off the plane in Dubai for a three-week stopover with the grandchildren. He's going on to London for a week and then he's coming back to Dubai for Christmas with the kids. Both of my sons live there now, along with four grandchildren. We can't wait."

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