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ICCIDD Global Network - News Articles
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ICCIDD Global Network

What is the ICCIDD Global Network?

The International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD) Global Network is a non-profit, non-government organization for the sustainable elimination of iodine deficiency worldwide.

News Articles

12 pages

05. January 2013

Price differential hampers iodized salt use in Nepal

An article in the January 5th issue of Republica reports the price of iodized salt at 20-22 rupees in the Bajura, Nepal, compared to 12 rupees for locally-produced but non-iodized salt. The price...

05. January 2013

UK world 8th worst in iodine deficiency

"Shockingly high levels of iodine deficiency found in Welsh schoolchildren risk causing mental impairment in future generations," Wales Online reported January 5th. The news report summarized a study...

31. December 2012

"Communications mistake" Penalizes Pakistan's salt iodization

Seventeen years ago, miscommunication in Pakistan's maternal health initiative implanted the falsehood that iodine fortification was being done for birth control, a story by Richard Leiby in the ...

30. December 2012

Venkatesh Mannar Awarded Canada's Top Civilian Honor

Venkatesh Mannar, president of the Micronutrient Initiative and long-standing ICCIDD director, has been appointed to the Order of Canada, one of Canada's highest civilian honors, recognizing his lifetime...

27. December 2012

Poland sustains iodine sufficiency

Poland was among the first countries in Eastern Europe to achieve iodine sufficiency and a study just published in Thyroid Research Journal confirms that the 1997 program of mandated use of iodized salt...

19. December 2012

All prenatal vitamins should include iodine

Because iodine intakes by expectant American mothers have been in steady decline, all prenatal vitamins should include iodine according to an editorial in the December 19 issue of the Journal of the...

07. December 2012

Canada's first national study confirms good iodine status

Statistics Canada has just published the nation's first national study of iodine sufficiency. The Canadian Health Measures Survey, 2009 to 2011 confirms good iodine nutrition in all population age groups...

07. December 2012

Tanzania enlists media to educate consumers to avoid non-iodized salt

The Tanzania Daily News reported Dec. 2 an effort by the Department of Nutrition to encourage consumers to stop buying "widely sold...unhealthy" iodized salt. "Iodine is an essential micro-nutrient...

25. November 2012

Salt iodization reduces Pakistan's maternal iodine deficiency from 37% to 4%

Pakistan's National Nutrition Survey 2011 has been released, documenting a reduction in iodine deficiency among mothers from 37% to 4%, The Nation reported Nov. 25. Public health authorities credit...

21. November 2012

Iodized salt quality concerns in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka Health Ministry has not issued guidelines to Sri Lankan salt producers, and, as a result, there salt packets contain variable amounts of iodine, some too little, others too much, charged...

19. November 2012

Ignoring dietary iodine, Australian study calls fro iodine supplements for expectant, new moms

Researchers at Murdoch University in the heartland of Australia's salt-producing region, have published a review ignoring the contribution of iodine-fortified salt to the iodine intake of expectant ...

14. November 2012

Only 22% of households in Gambia use iodized salt

Gambia's National Nutrition Agency rates IDD a major health problem in this West African country with only 22% of households in The Gambia using iodized salt and 16% of the population has visible goiters,...

09. November 2012

Backsliding in Vietnam after mandatory salt iodization repealed

After a 1993 survey found Vietnamese schoolchildren consumed only 32 micrograms of iodine daily, a third of the recommended level, Vietnam mandated all food salt be iodized. The IDD problem was under...

02. November 2012

Iodized salt safe, does not induce thyroid cancer: Chinese Ministry of Health

"Iodized salt is efficient in preventing iodine deficiencies and will not induce thyroid cancer," China's Ministry of Health announced Nov. 2 in Sina English. The Ministry cited ICCIDD as affirming its...

01. November 2012

Vegetarians need iodine: U.S. research study

theYogaDr., an online advisory for vegans and vegetarians, reported a study published last year as "the first to look specifically at the iodine status and thyroid function of U.S. vegetarians. It showed...

17. October 2012

Even mild iodine deficiency for expectant mothers associated with impaired function in children: Dutch study

While severe iodine deficiency of the pregnant mother imposes well-documented impairment of mental development and function of her offspring, the effect of mild iodine deficiency in cognitive function is...

12. October 2012

Improved iodine nutrition in Ghana would save country US $229 million

A new study by the Ghana Health Service projects savings of 1.7 billion GHC (US$890 million) through investing in nutrition programs to correct deficiencies in iodine, iodine and to prevent stunted g...

11. October 2012

Dr. Aldo Pinchera passes, ICCIDD West Central European Regional Coordinator

Word was received today of the passing of Dr. Aldo Pinchera, Professor Emeritus of Endocrinology, University of Pisa; Head of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for the Study and...

04. October 2012

New approach to estimate the prevalence of iodine deficiency

Over the past 100 years, public health authorities have estimated the severity of iodine deficiency using an evolving series of measures, first rooted in visible goiters and shifting a quarter century ago...

20. September 2012

"Half the Sky" aims to turn oppression into opportunity for women; cites iodine deficiency

PBS has a new project, promoting the "Half the Sky" movement spearheaded by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Exploring the many environmental restraints that shackle women throughout the world, the...