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Science News - The New York Times
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Edition: U.S. / Global

Sunday, November 30, 2014


A child walking near her home with a coal-fired power plant in the background in Beijing, China.
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

A child walking near her home with a coal-fired power plant in the background in Beijing, China.

Even as United Nations negotiators gathering in South America this week expressed a new optimism that they may finally achieve an elusive deal, experts caution that it probably will not be enough to stave off the near-term impact of global warming.

Where Grass Is Greener, a Push to Share Drought’s Burden

The lush residential horse pastures in Rancho Santa Fe are a reminder that life has continued almost as before in much of the state, even as some elsewhere cope with dry taps.

The New Smoke

A Lesser Warning? Maybe

Swedish Match, a tobacco company, wants the F.D.A. to change course, by declaring its smokeless product as having “substantially lower risks to health than cigarettes.”

As Mexico Addresses Climate Change, Critics Point to Shortcomings

Mexico has passed laws to regulate emissions and promote renewable energy, but some analysts doubt it will commit the resources to meet its much-lauded goals.

Despite Aid Push, Ebola Is Raging in Sierra Leone

After calling for an ambulance more than 35 times, a family in Sierra Leone, where Ebola has hit harder than in neighboring countries, waited for three days for help to arrive.

Study on Cultural Memory Confirms: Chester A. Arthur, We Hardly Knew Ye

The broader significance of the report is that societies collectively forget according to the same formula as, say, a student who has studied a list of words.

Growing Herds of Deer Aren’t Welcome at New York Parks

The influx concerns parks department officials because the animals can destroy a forest understory and chip away at the bark of developing trees.

News Analysis

Obama Builds Environmental Legacy With 1970 Law

Leaning on the Clean Air Act, President Obama has reshaped environmental policy more than any previous occupant of the White House.

Obama to Introduce Sweeping New Controls on Ozone Emissions

The regulation would be the latest in a series of E.P.A. controls on air pollution that wafts from smokestacks and tailpipes, and would probably set off a battle among all sides of the issue.

More Science News
Jim Wilson/The New York Times

Where Oil and Politics Mix

After an unusual land deal, a giant spill and a tanker-train explosion, anxiety began to ripple across the North Dakota prairie.

Science Times, Tuesday, Nov. 25
Alexander Grothendieck at the blackboard during a lesson at IHES, the mathematics institute near Paris, in the 1960s, above, and in 1988, right.
IHES, via Associated Press

Alexander Grothendieck at the blackboard during a lesson at IHES, the mathematics institute near Paris, in the 1960s, above, and in 1988, right.

To say Alexander Grothendieck was the No. 1 mathematician of the second half of the 20th century cannot begin to do justice to him or his body of work.


Climbing a Glass Building? Try a Gecko’s Sticky Pads

The lizard and, well, Spider-Man, have ideal tools for scaling slippery surfaces. Engineers have copied the gecko’s clingy foot pads.

A Lifesaving Transplant for Coral Reefs

A quick-grow laboratory technique, called microfragmenting, may make it possible to mass-produce reef-building corals for transplanting onto dead or dying reefs that took centuries to develop.

Art in a Whisky Glass, Neatly Explained

After having a Scotch years ago, a photographer saw beauty at the bottom. Then he got interested in the science behind the patterns.

On the Trail of an Ancient Mystery

More than 100 years after it was found, and more than 2,000 years after it was believed to have been built, the Antikythera Mechanism continues to raise questions and provide answers.

Obesity and Its Heart Complications

Does a girl who enters adolescence with a big woman’s body have a harder time socially than most teenagers? How about a boy whose fat conjures up female stereotypes?

Are Some Professions Less Honest Than Others? Bank on It, Researchers Find

Bankers have gotten a bit of a bad rep over the last decade, owing to a variety of scandals. A new study may not help.

Radiologists Are Reducing the Pain of Uncertainty

Radiologists are becoming more accessible to patients, but there are questions over whether the two parties will be able to handle dealing with each other when the results of scans are unwelcome.


After Acid Rain, Lakes Are Turning to ‘Jelly’

Tiny, jelly-clad crustaceans known as Holopedium are thriving in some Canadian lakes after years of acid rain, threatening the food chain and “jellifying” the waters, biologists say.

Podcast: Science Times

A new movement may help patients receive test results directly from their radiologists, speeding up the process.

  Quicker Scan Results

Podcast: Science Times

New research showing brain inflammation in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome may help scientists better understand how to treat the condition.

  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Brain

Podcast: Science Times

Scientists in the Florida Keys are using corals’ innate healing abilities to try to repopulate lost areas.

  Regrowing Coral
Science Columns

What Determines the Color of Fish Flesh?

Fish that have white flesh are generally those that are resting or mostly inactive throughout their lives, while red-fleshed fish are usually long-distance swimmers.

Hookah, as Health Risk, Still Qualifies as Smoking

With its mix of tobacco and other flavorings through a water pipe, it may smell and taste better, but a study finds it far from harmless.

The Scan

Science Events: Minimalist Music and a Spotlight on Sex

An auditory scientist plans to help a New York audience make the most of some very minimal music and human sexual behavior is the focus of a yearlong show at London’s museum of medicine and art.

From Opinion

Can Mushrooms Treat Depression?

This psychoactive chemical isn’t just for hippies.

From the Magazine
The Iguana in the Bathtub

Hard lessons on a cold day in Florida.

The Mine Disaster That Shook Turkey

A mine fire in May killed 301 men, making it the worst industrial disaster in Turkish history. This is the story of two men who lived through it.

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