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Columns, Perspective

  1. Column: Einstein shunned phones in favor of quiet reflection and solitude


    Today's amazing communication technologies owe much to some of Albert Einstein's greatest discoveries.

    Albert Einstein once declared that he could concentrate best “away from the horrible ringing of the telephone,” such as on ocean voyages.
  2. Column: Court ends Florida Gov. Scott's plan on drug tests


    Gov. Rick Scott's callous and condescending plan to drug-test welfare recipients has been demolished by a federal appeals court.

  3. Maxwell: A case for less cynicism, better government


    At the risk of being called naive during this age of widespread political cynicism, I acknowledge that I believe in the inherent value of democratic government. Although a reasonable dose of cynicism is good, cynicism erodes the democratic fabric of society when it becomes intensely hostile toward government.

  4. Ruth: O Holy Nightmare


    Deck the halls with boughs of … Beelzebub?

  5. Perspective: Old history is new to younger Japanese


    Editor's note: Today, Americans commemorate Pearl Harbor Day, the anniversary of Japan's sneak attack that killed 2,400 Americans, sunk or damaged 21 ships, and plunged the United States into World War II. For generations, Japan shied away from discussing its war history. But some younger Japanese are …

    ‘A DATE WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY’ On Dec. 7, 1941, the battleship USS Arizona belched smoke as it toppled over into the sea during the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The U.S. aircraft carriers were at sea and unharmed and played a vital role months later at the Battle of Midway, a decisive American naval victory.
  6. Children, genes and public policy


    Behind a half-century of policies to promote child development, there lies an assumption: that children are essentially equally affected by the environments they grow up in, and that positive interventions like preschool education should therefore help all children.

    But what if this isn't true?

  7. Perspective: How Rice People differ from Wheat People


    Americans and Europeans stand out from the rest of the world for our sense of ourselves as individuals. We like to think of ourselves as unique, autonomous, self-motivated, self-made. As the anthropologist Clifford Geertz observed, this is a peculiar idea.

    Rice fields such as this one 50 miles northeast of Tokyo require a more cooperative mentality than do fields of wheat. Some theorize that grains’ cultivation needs fundamentally affect the larger culture where rice and wheat are grown.
  8. Perspective: Once and future losers


    Demographics is not enough.

    For years now, it's been an article of faith among Democrats that the future belongs to them, thanks to the country's changing demographic mix. The rising percentage of voters who are women, Americans of color and especially Latinos were always about to turn the country deep "blue."

    Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., holds the hand of his wife, Maggie Fox, as he delivers his concession speech — a common scene for Democrats this year.
  9. Column: On this death, bipartisan outrage


    It's a common condolence for politicians to urge angry communities to "have their voices heard" in response to signs of systemic injustice. President Barack Obama has used the phrase since Ferguson. So has outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, and even St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch, the night he …

  10. Column: The Garner case's sickening outcome



    I can't breathe.

    Those were Eric Garner's last words, and today they apply to me. The decision by a Staten Island grand jury to not indict the police officer who killed him takes my breath away.

    Eric Garner’s widow, Esaw, reacts to the grand jury’s decision on Wednesday.
  11. Column: Clouds over Florida's sunshine laws


    In Florida, we pride ourselves on government in the sunshine. We expect all aspects of lawmaking and enforcement to be transparent so voters can see and participate in our democratic process and have access to relevant information to hold elected officials accountable.

  12. Ruth: New Beginnings' 'work therapy' costs needy more than a paycheck


    If you are a annoyed about paying the equivalent of a year's worth of out-of-state college tuition for a lousy beer at a Tampa Bay Bucs, Rays and/or Lightning game, consider for a moment that the poor (literally) soul who might have poured your suds left work that day without so much as a farthing in their pocket to …

  13. Ruth: McCollum asserts he is certainly no lobbyist


    By his reckoning, former Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is purer than the driven snow, a virtual Bambi of probity, the virtuous Thomas More of Tallahassee. It's any wonder when McCollum walks into a room that Gregorian chants don't flow from the heavens.

    A representative of lawyer Bill McCollum said he has received no special favors from his successor, Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi.
  14. Stop the screaming, start talking on policy


    Remember when Americans discussed politics without screaming at one another or without dismissing those on the other side as perverters of our democracy? Many of us are old enough to recall periods like this and to wish for their return.

    EMAIL HO-University of Florida Provost David Colburn.
  15. Cooler fall weather a good time to check smoke alarms


    As the weather begins to slowly cool and we continue into fall, this is also a great time of year to ensure that your home's smoke alarms are in good working order, and to change batteries in all of the smoke alarms in your home. Pasco County Fire Rescue would like to remind Pasco residents that working smoke alarms …

  16. Cemex expansion plan is a bad deal for Hernando County


    Cemex seeks to change the Hernando County comprehensive land use plan and zoning on 728 acres on Cortez Boulevard across from Bayfront Health Brooksville from residential and commercial to mining and commercial. For the next 20 years, we would see open-pit industrial mining along the business corridor leading into …

  17. Column: Divorce surge over, but myth lives on


    When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin "consciously uncoupled" this year, ABC News said it was the latest example of the out-of-control divorce rate, "50 percent and climbing."

  18. Column: Class prejudice resurgent


    One of the features of all the Ferguson discussion over the past few months is how tinny the comparisons to the civil rights era have sounded. People have tried to link Ferguson to Selma and Jim Crow, but something is off.

  19. Column: Old presidents just fade away


    You can be the most important person in the free world one day, and almost entirely forgotten only decades later.

  20. Column: Defend our waters against the polluters


    Tampa Bay and all of its connected streams and tributaries are a vital resource for Florida, providing clean drinking water and drawing millions of visitors each year to the area who seek outdoor activities such as canoeing, sailing and bird watching. What's more, large waterways, like the Hillsborough and Manatee …