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Predator Operating Over Syria’s Raqqa | Open Source IMINT
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20141014013737/http://osimint.com/2014/09/06/predator-operating-over-syrias-raqqa/

Predator Operating Over Syria’s Raqqa

RIBSS (05SEPT14) Predator Over Raqqa

Activists in al-Raqqa, Syria have posted images online purporting to show a US Predator drone orbiting the skies of the north-east Syrian city, the chosen “capital” of the Islamic State.

The 16-member strong activist group “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” (or RIBSS) provided the images to various online sources. Their handheld imagery corresponds with additional video uploaded to Youtube on 06SEPT14 .

Over the passing months, RIBSS has provided most of the documentation coming out of the conflict-ridden city as almost no local or foreign journalists are present due to the aggressive tactics of the Islamic State (IS).

149083-MA8010_SyriaGovenorateMaps_mapseries_Landscape_ArRaqqa.pdfLast year, rebel groups overran government forces in al-Raqqa city which at the time, became known as the “Bride of the Revolution.” Within several months, Islamists came to dominate the city with IS eventually coming out on top. Last month, the group took over the entire province when it pushed the remaining government forces out of a final military base.

Such gains made by the group in both Syria and Iraq continue to put considerable pressure on the Obama administration to do more than send advisers.

Earlier in August, the US President announced the authorization for targeted air strikes against IS in Iraq. According to figures released by US Central Command a total of 131 airstrikes have been conducted across the country to date. (Most of these have been carried out around Irbil and the Mosul dam). With the sighting of a potential Predator over Syrian skies, it’s possible these may expand to include targets in the neighboring country.

Around 60 surveillance flights are currently being conducted over IS controlled territory per day, according to statements made by Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby.

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