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Islamic State Takes Former FOB in Anbar

Islamic State has now taken over the Iraqi military outpost on the outskirts of Hit, a former forward operating base (FOB) which previously housed the US military in Anbar province. Despite US-led airstrikes, Iraqi forces have found it difficult defending against Islamic State advances and recently abandoned one of the few remaining government outposts in […]

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US Predator Drone Scouting Near Syria’s Kobane

Amak news agency reporting from Syria posted images online purporting to show an American Predator drone orbiting the skies of Kobane, a Syrian Kurdish town on the border with Turkey. Kobane, also known as Ayn Al Arab, has been under siege by Islamic State militants since Sept. 15. Kurdish fighters from the People’s Protection Units—a.k.a. […]

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Predator Operating Over Syria’s Raqqa

Activists in al-Raqqa, Syria have posted images online purporting to show a US Predator drone orbiting the skies of the north-east Syrian city, the chosen “capital” of the Islamic State. The 16-member strong activist group “Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently” (or RIBSS) provided the images to various online sources. Their handheld imagery corresponds with additional video uploaded to Youtube on 06SEPT14 […]

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Assessing the Damage in Gaza

UNOSAT recently acquired satellite imagery to analyze the increasing amounts of destruction in the northeastern section of the Gaza Strip. The ongoing violence in Gaza is on the verge of creating more causalities than any other Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent memory. Today, the three-week old conflict erupted yet again as the fragile cease-fire agreed to on Saturday broke down. Hamas militants fired a barrage of […]

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Facebook to Buy Drones to Connect Africa

It’s great to see this next bit of news while the Raptopoulos TED talk is still fresh. According to multiple sources, Facebook is in negotiations to buy a drone manufacturer (possibly Titan Aerospace) with the aim of using its high-altitude UAVs to beam internet connections to isolated communities in Africa. Although not surprising considering the success of […]

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Raptopoulos: No roads? There’s a drone for that

Before Amazon expressed interest, Raptopoulos was leading the way. If I could describe this video in one phrase: It’s drones for the developing world. Reflecting on Africa’s ability to leapfrog as it has with other technology like cell phones, Raptopoulos envisions hubs of drones capable of responding to the developing world’s most pressing needs. With […]

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