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Politics | Washington Examiner
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White House

Will Obama defy Congress on Gitmo prisoners?

By Byron York | 12/22/14 06:00 PM

The result could be an ugly and protracted fight between the president and lawmakers of both...

Mainstream Scream: Ed Schultz compares Cuba bow to crushing Soviet Union

By Paul Bedard | 12/22/14 01:48 PM

This week's Mainstream Media Scream highlights MSNBC host Ed Schultz complimenting Obama on...

Obama: Sony hack not an 'act of war'

By Kelly Cohen | 12/21/14 12:14 PM

White House

David Vitter to Obama: Screen 'The Interview' for Congress

By Kelly Cohen | 12/20/14 02:13 PM

"Rewarding terrorists, authoritarianism and cruelty with concessions should not be the...

Bill de Blasio: 'Put aside protests'

By Brian Hughes | 12/22/14 02:27 PM

White House

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

By Brian Hughes | 12/22/14 11:02 AM

A Military Times survey found that Obama's approval rating has dropped from 35% in 2009 to...

Community bankers miss chance to get permanent spot on Fed board

By Joseph Lawler | 12/22/14 05:00 AM

The two seats have been vacant for 282 and 206 days, and the president hasn't nominated any...

In Cuba deal, why did Obama back down on political prisoners?

By Byron York | 12/21/14 08:21 AM

White House


Republicans will not reappoint CBO's Elmendorf

By Joseph Lawler | 12/22/14 06:44 PM

The decision would mean that the Democrat-appointed Elmendorf would be replaced by a...

Barney Frank optimistic about financial reform in GOP Congress

By Joseph Lawler | 12/22/14 12:58 PM

He says uproar over a repeal of a small part of the Dodd-Frank law is an encouraging sign.

Congress, Obama hand Pentagon billions for unwanted military spending programs

By Mark Tapscott | 12/21/14 05:00 AM

The 10 unwanted programs are contained in the $1.1 trillion "CRomnibus" spending bill.

Quiz: How well do you know the Constitution?

By Justin Green | 12/20/14 12:00 PM

How much do you actually know about our founding document?

Will Obama defy Congress on Gitmo prisoners?

By Byron York | 12/22/14 06:00 PM

The result could be an ugly and protracted fight between the president and lawmakers of both...

How Republicans should handle Obama's action on immigration

By Alfonso Aguilar | 12/22/14 05:00 AM

Republicans are angry, and rightly so. Immigration is an issue that can only be fixed...

Marco Rubio continues his blitz against Obama's new Cuba policy

By Kelly Cohen | 12/21/14 11:23 AM


David Vitter to Obama: Screen 'The Interview' for Congress

By Kelly Cohen | 12/20/14 02:13 PM

"Rewarding terrorists, authoritarianism and cruelty with concessions should not be the...

Penn Ave

Republicans will not reappoint CBO's Elmendorf

By Joseph Lawler | 12/22/14 06:44 PM

The decision would mean that the Democrat-appointed Elmendorf would be replaced by a...

Bill de Blasio goes after media

By Brian Hughes | 12/22/14 05:04 PM

He accused the media Monday of stoking racial tensions rather than objectively covering...

AAA: Falling pump prices break record

By Zack Colman | 12/22/14 01:15 PM

A gallon of gas averaged $2.39 on Monday, the lowest level since May 2009.

Barney Frank optimistic about financial reform in GOP Congress

By Joseph Lawler | 12/22/14 12:58 PM

He says uproar over a repeal of a small part of the Dodd-Frank law is an encouraging sign.

Energy firm settles with feds for fracking pollution

By Zack Colman | 12/22/14 05:25 PM

XTO Energy Inc. will spend $3 million to repair eight sites it damaged with materials used...

Ultrasound requirement struck down in North Carolina

By Kelly Cohen | 12/22/14 04:00 PM

The circuit court decision means the issue could be headed to the Supreme Court.

Bill de Blasio: 'Put aside protests'

By Brian Hughes | 12/22/14 02:27 PM

Penn Ave

Peter King: Wrong of Obama, de Blasio to imply Garner incident 'involves race'

By Kelly Cohen | 12/22/14 01:05 PM

"Police have done more to save minority lives than anyone in this country," King said.


Report: IRS 'totally politicized' by Obamacare, targeting of Tea Party applicants

By Mark Tapscott | 12/22/14 08:00 PM

Wrongdoing has "broken the trust that Americans placed in the IRS," a House oversight panel...

How Republicans should handle Obama's action on immigration

By Alfonso Aguilar | 12/22/14 05:00 AM

Republicans are angry, and rightly so. Immigration is an issue that can only be fixed...

Bush and Rubio, mentor and protege, become potential 2016 foes

By Rebecca Berg | 12/20/14 12:00 PM

The relationship between Bush and Rubio, forged over nearly two decades in Florida politics,...

Top House Dem says Elizabeth Warren could beat Hillary Clinton in 2016

By Sean Higgins | 12/19/14 12:19 PM

This reflects the growing frustration in the Democratic ranks over the lack of alternatives...

Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign hand won't be part of 2016 run

By Kelly Cohen | 12/22/14 11:37 AM

Instead, Guy Cecil will help Clinton in a noncampaign capacity.

Jeb called go, and they're off

By Hugh Hewitt | 12/21/14 05:00 PM


Marco Rubio: Rand Paul has adopted Obama's foreign policy on Cuba

By Kelly Cohen | 12/20/14 04:19 PM

"I think it's unfortunate that Rand has decided to adopt Barack Obama's foreign policy on...

Favorable climate attracts huge GOP field for 2016

By Scott Rasmussen | 12/19/14 12:37 PM

Jeb Bush will soon have plenty of company in seeing the Republican nomination for president.

Washington Secrets

Mainstream Scream: Ed Schultz compares Cuba bow to crushing Soviet Union

By Paul Bedard | 12/22/14 01:48 PM

This week's Mainstream Media Scream highlights MSNBC host Ed Schultz complimenting Obama on...

It's about racism: 95% of blacks say it's serious

By Paul Bedard | 12/22/14 12:02 PM

Some 95 percent of blacks call racism in the nation serious, about 50 percent more than whites.

Shock study: Marriage rate declines with porn use, threatening economy, society

By Paul Bedard | 12/19/14 07:04 AM

Washington Secrets

Dismal: Harry Reid's Senate took 657 votes, but passed just 25 laws

By Paul Bedard | 12/18/14 01:41 PM

C-SPAN's stats on Harry Reid's Senate show it took 657 votes, but passed only 25 laws in two...

Pollsters: Battle-tested Hillary Clinton will be much tougher to beat

By Paul Bedard | 12/22/14 01:22 PM

Pollsters say that Hillary Clinton will be much tougher for a primary foe to beat than in 2008.

Mark Levin: Did Holder's 'reckless broadsides' against police lead to NYC cop killing?

By Paul Bedard | 12/21/14 09:36 AM

Talk radio's Mark Levin asks if Attorney General Eric Holder's cop criticism played role in...

Census: 30% of U.S. population growth will be immigrants, 78 million by 2060

By Paul Bedard | 12/19/14 01:13 PM

U.S. population will grow by nearly 100 million by 2060, with a third from foreign-born...

House cybersecurity chairman warns: First Sony, next the electric grid, Wall Street

By Paul Bedard | 12/18/14 03:19 PM

Washington Secrets