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Elite: Dangerous Critic Reviews for PC - Metacritic
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20141226024905/http://www.metacritic.com:80/game/pc/elite-dangerous/critic-reviews

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Dec 22, 2014
    It may not be perfect, but for something so ambitious it's off to a pretty grand start.
  2. Dec 19, 2014
    Elite: Dangerous is not yet where it wants to be. But it knows the way and is going there with pace. For now, I couldn't think of a better place to be than its passenger seat.
  3. Dec 23, 2014
    A great game and, with time, potentially a classic. Much rests on Frontier's ability to build on these broad but somewhat shallow foundations.
  4. Dec 25, 2014
    The biggest fault you can make in Elite: Dangerous is waiting till the game lends you a hand. That is not gonna happen, as this is a sim in which you decide your own fate. So, how you experience this game is totally up to you. This freedom and the fantastic flight model makes the milky way your playground. Lovely.
  5. Dec 24, 2014
    I love it and hate it in equal measure, not the least because it's completely taken over my life this past week. But man, I really can't wait to play more.
  6. Dec 22, 2014
    For all its frustrations, you'll spend much longer in the sweet spot than you spend getting there. Elite: Dangerous demands much, but repays your devotion many times over.
  7. Dec 18, 2014
    A colossal space sim that offers an invigorating amount of freedom. It’s just a shame the multiplayer aspect is so half-baked at the moment.
  8. Dec 22, 2014
    Welcome back in the 80s - Frontier Developments did its job and offers the same game experience that players of the original Elite had 30 years ago. Elite: Dangerous looks pretty and sounds awesome, same for the flight-model, if you're lucky enough, owning a HOTAS. Besides the great space-feeling the core game is simple - raise money, get better equipment. There is no campaign and no cinematic entertainment, it is pure simulation with lots of repetition, but also fascinating content for hours.
  9. Dec 16, 2014
    A "launch" build with some features still in infancy, Elite: Dangerous nonetheless offers terrific space flight ambiance and trading progression befitting of the once-revolutionary series. In a few months time, this title could be outstanding.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 653 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Dec 16, 2014
    Elite is back! New, upgraded and shiny but at the core it's still Elite - you, your ship and the universe of possibilities.

    As per 2.07
    Elite is back! New, upgraded and shiny but at the core it's still Elite - you, your ship and the universe of possibilities.

    As per 2.07 (last pre-launch update) it feels good, looks better and plays great. The foundation is very solid and it can get only better with the promised development after release that will continue to expand the base of the game while also working on major expansions like planetary landings and first person.

    The latest fixes during Beta and Gamma have done an excellent job to improve the stability and overall balance of the game. Trading is finally fixed and logical again, combat feels great. No issues with the netcode (for me) and overall an excellent experience. Mind though - this game isn't easy and doesn't hold your hand - your actions have consequences and there is no magic immunity nets. Live fast, die hard!

    In addition, Frontier Developments have shown to be a great company, constantly hearing and answering their customers and changing the game to suit people's requests. Many times features or fixes requested in the forums have "magically" appeared in the game showing that the guys at Frontier actually do really care about our opinions - this also corroborated by some of the senior Frontier staff frequently posting and engaging in debates and clarifications with the players.
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  2. Dec 16, 2014
    Not a game that panders to people that want to have their hand held for story-lines. you have a galaxy, a ship and 100 credits, and now it isNot a game that panders to people that want to have their hand held for story-lines. you have a galaxy, a ship and 100 credits, and now it is up to you.

    With the choice of trading, piracy, bounty hunting, mining, exploring, general or faction missions to take to improve your reputation with factions thus allowing certain other restricted ships to become available, you really make your own storyline.

    This is not however to everyone's taste and if you prefer a standard "go here, do this, then go there and kill that" style of play, you may find this is not the game for you.

    As it stands Elite:Dangerous is a game you can lose days with, and it only looks to get better with future expansions that are planned.
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  3. Dec 16, 2014
    Not a good game right now. Pretty graphics, great sound design, and barely any gameplay. You will exhaust all it's possibilities in one day.Not a good game right now. Pretty graphics, great sound design, and barely any gameplay. You will exhaust all it's possibilities in one day.

    Multiplayer interaction is close to nil despite always online DRM.

    It's a game made for old people who hasn't played anything but Farmville since 1984. They consider it a "hardcore space sim". It's sad what a waste of potential this game is.
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