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Index of Energy

Article Index

Earth has warmed for more than a century. An overpowering majority of scientists has reviewed the evidence and has co...
Created: Oct. 31, 2014
It is now certain. Atmospheric pollution is accelerating. Global temperatures are rising. Climate changes are bein...
Created: Jul. 29, 2014
The article discusses the increased use of rooftop solar systems in California and conflicts with trees that shade so...
Created: Oct. 29, 2013
The major Asian countries with civil nuclear programmes - China, India and South Korea – have, post-Fukushima, reaffi...
Created: May 17, 2013
Lithium ion battery failures lead to grounding of Boeing Dreamliner 787-8 airplanes.
Created: Mar. 25, 2013
The Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters have impacted nuclear developments everywhere. The future may hold new ...
Created: Jan. 11, 2013
North Korea is described as a totalitarian dictatorship, ruled by the Kim family and their elaborate cult of politici...
Created: Jan. 7, 2013
The risks involved in maintaining large stocks of plutonium that can be readily used to fabricate nuclear weapons are...
Created: Dec. 20, 2012
On 11 March 2011 a magnitude 9.0 earth-quake and massive tsunami struck Japan. As a consequence, three nuclear-power ...
Created: Jun. 21, 2012
The Era of Chemicals - Redux is a quarter century old, taking up space on my computer, so I published it now. It's ab...
Created: May 31, 2012
The purpose of the article is to stimulate debate about the recent decision of the British Government to construct a ...
Created: May 23, 2012
The more nuclear-weapon powers there are, the greater the risk of nuclear war. We may be heading for a world of nucle...
Created: Apr. 16, 2012
Nuclear enthusiasts believe that fast breeder reactors (FBRs) will play a key role in the nuclear future. Are they ri...
Created: Dec. 2, 2011
A report just published by the British American Security Information Council analyses on-going developments in the nu...
Created: Nov. 7, 2011
Electric vehicles have been on the sidelines with the avid hobby enthusiasts for decades. Recent advances in technolo...
Created: Oct. 26, 2011
The Royal Society’s recent report seriously underestimates the risk that the increased use of nuclear-power reactors ...
Created: Oct. 24, 2011
A new report by British Petroleum predicts that world petroleum reserves will not last until 2060. Growth of world po...
Created: Oct. 6, 2011
Our analysis of the physical world has uncovered another source of the so-called “hot-clocking” energy - a continuous...
Created: Sep. 7, 2011
Before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, many countries planned to acquire or increase nuclear-power reactors. Despite ...
Created: Aug. 11, 2011
It is of considerable concern that North Korea may export fissile material suitable for use in nuclear weapons or exp...
Created: Jul. 26, 2011
Petroleum reserves are being exhausted and will disappear before the end of this century. A new energy supply concept...
Created: Jul. 15, 2011
Among the many questions raised by the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, triggered on 11 March...
Created: Jul. 7, 2011
The accident at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant demonstrated the vulnerability of nuclear-power reacto...
Created: Jun. 14, 2011
The circumstances of Osama bin Laden’s life and death in Abbottabad has triggered off much debate about the security ...
Created: May 31, 2011
All established nuclear-weapon powers (China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA) say they are in favour of reducing ...
Created: May 5, 2011
The Fukushima accident will continue to release radioactive material for many months. Not surprisingly, this has reki...
Created: Apr. 20, 2011
Until the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident, we were on the threshold of a nuclear renaissance. Pre-Fukushima, the ...
Created: Apr. 12, 2011
The growing number of plutonium reprocessors raises a security question since plutonium is a dual-purpose substance –...
Created: Feb. 25, 2011
Japan has one of the world’s most advanced civil nuclear technologies. Until recently, it was generally thought to be...
Created: Dec. 27, 2010
Pakistan’s nuclear-weapon programme is a source of extreme national pride. A. Q. Khan, head of the programme for some...
Created: Dec. 9, 2010
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