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Airborne Assault: Conquest of the Aegean for PC Reviews - Metacritic
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Airborne Assault: Conquest of the Aegean Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 7 Ratings

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  • Summary: In Conquest of the Aegean, players get to take on the role of either the Allied or German commanders and pit their wits against either a computer controlled opponent or a human opponent via LAN or the internet. Play as the Allies in a desperate fight to maintain a foothold on the southern flank of Europe using the mountainous Greek terrain to achieve concealment and surprise. Or fight as the Axis, driving hard achieve a quick victory with minimal losses. Battles in the game cover the Greco-Italian War, the German Invasion of Greece, the German Invasion of Crete, a fictional scenario for the Invasion of Malta by Axis forces, and numerous other "what if" scenarios that will allow you to reshape history. [Matrix Games] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Enemies retreated when necessary, attacked when prudent, and anticipated what I thought were brilliant feints, like my fake out at the Khrisophy airport. That kind of cunning AI makes Conquest of the Aegean a great ode to board-style war gaming. [Nov. 2006, p.78]
  2. Make the effort, see past the spartan maps, the sparse sound, and teh square counters, and you're rewarded with one of the most believable battle simulations ever created. [Sept 2006, p.100]
  3. Strategy gaming doesn't get much more hardcore than this. But if you, as I, have ever harboured ambitions of serving of quartermaster to a major military formation, this is for you. [Oct 2006, p.70]
  4. Conquest of the Aegean has the niche market cornered when it comes to simulating the German attacks on Greece and Crete, and the impressive Pausable Continuous Time engine strikes a reasonable balance between moving symbols around on maps and real-time play. [May 2008, p.63]
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2