David Harewood

1. What was your biggest career break?

Definitely Homeland. It was seen by an international audience and it really propelled the second part of my career and opened up the US market to me.

2. Have you had a notable mentor – and if so what was it about them that was so inspiring?

Not a mentor as such but someone I looked up to, a friend and fellow actor called Gary Macdonald who was very confident and outgoing.

3. What one piece of advice would you give to the 20-year-old you?

Don’t spend money!

4. What qualities do you look for in the people you work with?

I like people who are easy to work with, not too full of themselves and hard workers.

5. Who do you admire and why?

Denzel Washington. He’s had a fantastic film career and has managed to choose quality work and roles with depth of character. As a black actor he’s really broken the mould with challenging and diverse work.

6. What does the future of your industry look like?

There are so many new platforms and ways to watch television and films, with digital providers and companies like Netflix changing the way people access content. Hopefully this is good news for actors as more content means more work.

7. If you weren't an actor, what would you have been?

I would have liked to be a teacher. I would have enjoyed inspiring children, teaching either Drama or English.

8. What is your biggest extravagance?

Clothes! I’m getting better, but I still need to give myself that same advice about not spending money. My biggest ever extravagance was my house, but it was worth it.

9. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and why? (you can invite three people – they must be alive)

Stephen Hawking, who I’d want to talk to about everything, the Dalai Lama for advice on spirituality and the American comic Kevin Hart who I think is very funny.

10. What do you do to relax away from work?

I’m not great at relaxing away from work but I like to read and spend time sorting out various areas of my chaotic life.

11. If you could change one thing about Britain today, what would it be?

The weather.

12. What would your last meal be? (please choose a starter, a main course and a pudding)

Calamari to start, followed by beautifully cooked curried goat and rice for the main, and lastly bread and butter pudding with custard.