Other Clergy

Rectors and Vicars

The difference between a rector and a vicar is now purely nominal. A rector was in receipt of greater and lesser tithes, and a vicar of the lesser tithes only. Tithes were virtually abolished in 1936. Vicars are now appointed to most new livings.The recommended (social) style of address is as follows:

Beginning of letter Dear Rector/Dear Vicar
End of letter Yours sincerely
Envelope The Reverend* John Smith/Jane Smith
Verbal address Rector/Vicar
Description in conversation The Rector/Vicar
List of Directors or Patrons The Reverend John Smith
Place card The Reverend John Smith

*Note: 'The Reverend' is sometimes shortned to 'The Revd'. An alternative form is 'Rev John/Jane Smith'.



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