Babies in Restaurants

Afternoon tea

There's no reason why you shouldn't take your baby to a restaurant, but think about the following first:

Is the restaurant child friendly? It doesn't have to be a fast-food hell-hole, but it's certainly a good idea if there are high chairs available and a sense that children are actually welcome.

What time of day are you planning to eat out?  Lunchtime is a more boisterous, family-oriented time of day. If you're taking a baby out in the evening, especially to a restaurant favoured by couples, be prepared for some raised eyebrows.

Are you well prepared? This might mean bringing your own food for the baby to snack on, a bottle, a favourite toy (or two), a comfort blanket, and so on.

If your baby starts to cry, you will of course try to answer any immediate needs. But if the crying continues, or rises in pitch, you should be prepared to take the baby outside (depending on the restaurant, there may be a lobby or an ante-room) until you have managed to calm the baby down.

fellow diners

If you're eating in a child friendly restaurant you must be prepared for child-related noise, and accept it.

If you're in a quiet, adult-focused restaurant give parents of screaming babies a chance. They shouldn't really be expected to dash outside the minute the baby starts to whimper.

However, if the crying persists, you could have a quiet word with the waiter or restaurant manager and ask if they could approach the parents with a constructive suggestion (e.g. a quiet room in which they can sit and nurse the baby).

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