Birth Announcements

All family members and close friends should be phoned as soon as possible after the birth and told the good news. This is traditionally the responsibility of the father, but the duty is often shared by a grandparent or other relative.

Immediate family should be informed as soon as possible by telephone; it is sensible to prepare a list in advance of those nearest and dearest that require a phone call. Other family and friends can then be contacted and it is usual to use other media – for example, text message, email – to spread the word. It is essential that the most important people have learnt of the news in person before it is announced on social media sites.

If there are complications, the announcement may be delayed until the health or wellbeing of the mother and baby are known.

Birth Announcement Cards

Cards, sometimes complete with a coloured ribbon (or a photograph), may be sent out at a slightly later stage, with details such as the baby’s weight, if desired. Often, this may double-up as a thank you card if a present has been received.

Bespoke birth announcement cards should be printed in a simple, elegant style and read:

John and Jane Debrett 
are happy to announce
the birth of their daughter Caroline Jane

If the child is not the couple's first, then reference can be made to the siblings. For example, 'a sister for Juliet'.


Formal Birth Announcement Cards


Birth announcements, in local or national papers, are kept short and succinct. A traditional announcement would read:

Debrett - On 20th August to John and Charlotte (née Berkeley) a daughter,
Caroline Jane

Unmarried Parents

In the case of unmarried parents, the surnames of the parents are included:

Maddox - On 20th August to Richard Maddox and Ilsa Curzon
a daughter, Alice Louise

N.B. The same format would apply to same-sex female partners.

Single Parent

In the case of single parents the announcement is simplified:

Curzon - On 20th August to Ilsa a daughter, Lucy Claire




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