Questions on Being the Bride

I'm getting married in a church and my wedding dress is strapless. Do I need to wear something to cover my shoulders? Ellie, Yorkshire
There are many different styles of cover-ups available, and it is advisable that you wear one in church. If you are really against the idea, you could opt for a long veil instead.
Related Debrett's Links: Cover-Ups and Jackets, Veils

The bridal shop has asked for a 50 per cent deposit for my wedding dress. Is this normal and do I have to pay it? Helena, Edinburgh
Many bridal shops are quite strict about the deposit, especially on more expensive dresses that require lots of alterations. You could ask them about spreading the cost over a longer period - if the wedding is still a away off, they may allow you to make aseries of payments over the months, rather than just two large ones.
Related Debrett's Links: Wedding Dress Costs, Bridal Shops

Ever since Princess Diana's wedding, I've always dreamt of wearing a dress with with a long train. My mother is saying that it it will be impractical, and that I should just have a very small train instead. Are there any practical solutions? Julie, Sussex
There is something very romantic and ceremonial about a long train on a wedding dress. Have you thought of getting a dress with a detachable train? Then, you can have your grand entrance and still be able to hit the dancefloor later...
Related Debrett's Links: Dress Trains

Should my bridesmaids' flowers match my bouquet and the buttonholes, or can I have something different? Davina, Greenwich
You can choose what you'd like, but it is wise to follow a few guidelines. The bridesmaids' flowers should be the same. The best man and ushers' buttonholes shoud be made from a bloom that matches the bridesmaids' bouquets. Your bouqet should be grander than the bridesmaids', but they should coordinate. The groom's buttonhole should be made from a bloom that matches your bouquet.
Related Debrett's Links: Bride's Bouquet, Bridesmaids' Bouquet, Buttonholes

I'm confused about how I can include the traditions of something old, something new etc into my dress... any ideas? Do they still matter? Rosie, Dorking
Many brides like to respect these traditions, and think of unusual and imaginative yet practical ways of incorporating them in their outfit. For some ideas, look at our website... 
Related Debrett's Link: Bridal Traditions

My fiance has expressed a wish to help to choose my wedding dress. Isn't it bad luck for him to see it before the wedding day, let alone help choose it? Julia, Cambridge
The excitement, anticipation and surprise surrounding the bride's dress is a major part of the wedding day. It is unusual and viewed by many as unlucky for the groom to be involved in choosing the dress, or to see it before the day. Perhaps you could look through some wedding magazines together and ask him to point out dresses he likes, and do the choosing and shopping without him?
Related Links: Wedding Dress, Bridal Traditions


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