Replies to Wedding Invitations

Formal Wedding Invitation Replies

Traditional, formal replies should be handwritten, in the third person, on headed paper. The date is written at the bottom of the page. The envelope is addressed to the host/hostess whose name is on the invitation.

There is a standard etiquette for the wording of a handwritten formal reply to a traditional wedding invitation; note that the ending expresses whether the guest(s) can attend.

For example:

Mr and Mrs David Clegg thank Mr and Mrs John Debrett for the kind invitation to the marriage of their daughter, Caroline Jane, to Mr Richard Manners at St Paul's, Knightsbridge, on Saturday 17th July at 3 o'clock and afterwards at The Hyde Park Hotel, and are delighted to accept/regret that they are unable to accept.

Reply Cards

Sometimes a special reply card is enclosed with the wedding invite. Guests should fill this in and post it back in good time.

Other Wedding replies

Nowadays, many couples include an email address on the invitation. Traditionally, formal replies to wedding invitations are always handwritten. Replies should never be given by telephone.

Extra Wedding Guests

If the invitation has arrived and it does not specify 'and guest', it is the height of rudeness to ask to bring one or assume that a partner is invited.

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