The Army

The British Army is currently undergoing major restructuring. While some titles will not change, some structures and posts are constantly evolving.

The Army consists of the general staff and a deployable field army.

The Chief of General Staff, based in Andover, heads a single army staff and exercises command of the Army through three subordinate commanders: Commander Land Forces (CLF), Commander Force Development and Training (FDT) and the Adjutant General (AG).

The hierarchical command structure is organised as follows:

- Corps: this is formed of two or more divisions, and can constitute as many as 50,000 personnel.

- Divisions: formed of three or four brigades, as many as 20,000 personnel, commanded by a major-general.

- Brigade: three or four battalion-sized units, numbering around 5,000 personnel, and commanded by a brigadier.



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