Graces and Toasts

Grace is usually said before a meal and guests should remain standing or stand if they have already sat down. There is no preamble to grace. The toastmaster announces only: 'Pray silence for grace by your president', or 'by Canon John Jones', etc. The member of clergy's living should not be mentioned: that is, not 'The Rt Rev John Jones, Bishop of Wrexham'. Sometimes a second grace is said after the meal, in which case it precedes the loyal toast.



A speaker proposing a toast should make this clear at the end of the speech in some such form as 'I give you the toast of ......', or 'I ask you to rise and drink to the toast of ......'. This obviates any need for the toastmaster to say 'The toast is ......'.

The first and principal loyal toast, as approved by The Queen, is 'The Queen'.

See The Loyal Toast


The toastmaster should be given the form in which he is to make all announcements in writing.

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