Register Office Ceremonies

A register office ceremony is relatively short - usually approximately 20 minutes in duration -  and many couples choose this option for its efficient simplicity.

The ceremony will usually follow a traditional format. It is interspersed with a selection of music and readings, which must be agreed on in advance with the registrar.

- The groom and best man may choose to await the arrival of the bride at the front.

- Guests will be then be asked to stand for the entrance of the bride, who will be escorted by her father or other male relative.

- Alternatively, the couple will process to the front together.

- The registrar announces the intention of the couple to be married and requests any person present who knows of any impediment to declare it.

- All civil marriages must then incorporate a statutory declaration and contracting statements, which are recited by both bride and groom.

- There are various forms of wording that can be used: the couple should discuss their choice of words with the superintendent registrar if they do not want to use the traditional statements.

- Additionally, specially written vows or statements might be used, but this is at the discretion of the registrar.

- Once the declaratory words have been spoken, the bride, groom, registrar and witnesses sign the register.

- The registrar announces that the couple are married, and will usually lead the wedding party from the venue, often accompanied by music.

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