Richard Park

Richard Park is the executive director of Global Radio. With a background as a media consultant and broadcaster, he was the headmaster on the BBC's Fame Academy between 2002 and 2007.

1. What was your biggest career break?

Joining Radio Clyde in Glasgow.

2. Have you had a notable mentor - and if so, what was it about them that was so inspiring?

Lord Attenborough, for his astonishing self-belief.

3. What one piece of advice would you give to the 20-year-old you?

Work hard, play hard and enjoy.

4. What qualities do you look for in new recruits?

Leadership potential combined with passion and drive.

5. Who do you admire in business and why?

Ashley Tabor for vision and Peter Cork at Hambros.

6. What does the future of your industry look like?

Very rosy as content is still king!

7. If you hadn't built a career in radio, what would you have done instead?

Trained as a reporter on Fife News.

8. What is your biggest extravagance?

Holidaying in Paxos.

9. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and why? (You can invite three people - they must be alive)

Billy Connolly, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Helen Mirren.

10. What do you do to relax away from work?

Go walking on Holkham beach in Norfolk.

11. If you could change one thing about Britain today, what would it be?

I would introduce more empowered regional government.

12. What would your last meal be? (Please choose a starter, main course and pudding)

Cromer crab, Scottish salmon and blueberry crumble.