The Chivalrous Driver

Girl stood by car

A chivalrous driver should be polite, safe, thoughtful and calm. He has good manners around women that come instinctively.

Ladies First… Assuming he's the driver, a man should open the passenger door for a lady and wait for her to get in before gently closing her door for her. When dropping her off, he should get out and open the door (this also applies to anyone elderly or less able). 

A chivalrous man will ensure that his female passenger is comfortable before the journey begins. This means offering to take her coat, checking that her seat is adjusted and ensuring that the temperature is to her liking.

Save contentious remarks and heated discussions for non-mobile situations.

She will expect her man to be a calm and competent driver. Any signs of aggression and she will most likely assume that in life - as well as behind the wheel - he is volatile and impatient.

A chivalrous passenger is as well-behaved and polite in the car as he is when he's out and about. He realises that jokes about women drivers are clichéd and is never a backseat driver. He's happy to sit back and enjoy the ride.




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