Doctors, Physicians and Surgeons

How to Address a Doctor or Physician

Doctors and Physicians are always referred to both in written and verbal communication by the title of Doctor, abbreviated to 'Dr'.

The recommended form of address is as follows:

Beginning of a letter Dear Dr Faulkes
Envelope Dr Petra Faulkes, MD, FRCP*
In conversation and introductions Dr Faulkes

* The order of letters denoting medical qualifications after the individual's name should be placed in the correct order.

How to Address a Surgeon

Surgeons are referred to both in written and verbal communication as ‘Mr’.

The recommended form of address is as follows:

Beginning  of a letter Dear Mr Smith or Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith (as appropriate)

Mr William Smith, MB BS, MRCS, or John Smith, Esq, MB BS, FRCS* (for a male surgeon).
Mrs (or Miss or Ms) Jane Smith, MB BS, MRCP (as appropriate).

In conversation and introductions

Mr Smith / Mrs, Miss, Ms Smith

* The order of letters denoting medical qualifications after the individual's name should be placed in the correct order.

By custom, letters after the name denoting medical qualifications follow those of orders, decorations and medals bestowed by the Crown. For example: John Smith, Esq, CB, JP, DL, MB BS, MRCP

How to Address a Medical Professional with a Knighthood

Members of the medical profession who are awarded a knighthood would be addressed as follows:

Doctors and Physicians

Beginning of a letter Dear Sir Peter
Envelope Sir Peter Baucher, MD, FRCP*
In conversation and introductions Sir Peter


Beginning of a letter Sir William Forde, MS, FRCS*
Envelope William Forde, Esq, MS, FRCS *
In conversation and introductions Mr Forde or Sir William

* Letters denoting medical qualifications after the individual's name should be placed in the correct order.



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