Choosing the Wedding Date

As a general rule, a wedding takes at least six months to organise.

If the couple want to book a popular church or reception venue during busy summer months then more time may be required.

If the ceremony is to be held at a register office or the home of the bride/groom, things may take less time to organise.

Couples who set the date for over a year in advance can find that this a long waiting period; it is unusual for an engagement to last more than 18 months.

The first decision to be made is the time of year. Most brides to be will have an idea of the season in which they would like to get married.

Spring and summer (May-September) are the most popular months in the UK, with June being the busiest of all.

Saturday is the most popular day for weddings; Fridays may prove to be a good, and sometimes more economic, alternative.

The honeymoon should be researched - is the dream destination suitable at that time of year?

The bride and groom should check when they can take time off work.

The day should not clash with major sporting events or bank holidays.

School and summer holidays should be considered - for example, friends may be away on holiday during August.

A Christmas wedding may clash with many guests' family commitments.

The choice of wedding day may be a good opportunity to mark a significant anniversary.

See Wedding Style: Season

See Honeymoon Destinations


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