Speaker of the House of Commons and the Lord Speaker

The Speaker of the House of Commons

The Speaker of the House of Commons is an MP who is elected by other MPs. Politically impartial, the Speaker chairs debates in the Commons Chamber, keeping order and calling MPs to speak. The Speaker also chairs the House of Commons Commission. ‘Mr Speaker’ or ‘Madam Speaker’ is the usual designation on parliamentary matters, otherwise according to his or her rank.

The Lord Speaker

The Lord Speaker presides over proceedings in the House of Lords from the Woolsack. They are politically impartial, and act as an ambassador for the work of the Lords. They are elected by members of the House of Lords for a period of five years and a maximum of two terms.

The post of Lord Speaker was created under the Constitutional Reform Act 2005; previously the Lord Chancellor presided over debates in the House of Lords.

The Lord Speaker is addressed as ‘Lord Speaker’ (even if female) on parliamentary matters, otherwise according to his/her rank.



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