Debrett's Modern Finishing School

Modern finishing school - Girl recording a video CV

Students are equipped with the skills, poise and confidence to make the most of professional and social environments in the modern world.

Being invited back to a second interview, to the next party, to a private dinner or even being asked sincerely to keep in touch are the fruits of social skills not always mastered in formal education.

Employers want recruits to have the polish, professionalism and people skills to match their impressive academic achievements - all key components in your early steps on the career ladder and in wider society.


Debrett's Modern Finishing School offers three levels of qualification: Foundation, Intermediate and Diploma.

Each level involves five days of study at Debrett's, with additional preparation and tasks to be completed in the students' own time, prior to progression to the next level.

Up to ten students per programme

Delivered over five days at Debrett's in Mayfair or five days and four nights as a residential programme


- Making a positive first impression

Maximising personal impact

Interview skills

Etiquette and modern manners

Deportment and posture

Dress codes and personal style

Correct form written correspondence - CVs and covering letters

Correct form correspondence beyond 2013 - netiquette and mobiles

Understanding the professional hierarchy

Making the most of internships

Business etiquette, professional protocol and corporate correct form

Business meeting expectations

Business communication skills

Vocal impact - presentation and telephone skills

Networking skills and how to build a network

Professional dress codes

Social dress codes

Personal style

Formal dining and cocktail receptions

Corporate hospitality, hosting and being a guest

The Season

Social etiquette, hosting and being a guest

International etiquette and greetings

Building your professional reputation

Manners in the workplace


Modern Finishing School Level 1:
Foundation Programme

5 Day Non-residential Programme - £2,500 per student

5 Day Residential Programme - £3,500 per student

Fees include VAT

Modern Finishing School Level 2:
Intermediate Programme

5 Day Non-residential Programme - £2,500 per student

5 Day Residential Programme - £3,500 per student

Fees include VAT

Modern Finishing School Level 3:
The Diploma

5 Day Non-residential Programme - £2,500 per student

5 Day Residential Programme - £3,500 per student

Fees include VAT


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