Golden Rules for Green Living

Small, beneficial changes to day-to-day behaviour soon evolve into accepted practices and become the norm.

Conserve electricity by switching off appliances at the wall (don't leave them on 'stand-by').

Ensure that you have loft insulation and cavity wall insulation.

Switch to Green Energy suppliers.

Don't go mad with the central heating. Often an extra layer of clothing is all it takes to keep warm and comfortable.

Buy local foods, minimising 'food miles'. Farmers' markets are a good source and keep your eyes open for roadside stalls in the summer months.

Eschew products that use excessive packaging: bring your own carrier bags and avoid plastic bags.

Reduce your contribution to landfill by using recycling and composting facilities.

Donate unwanted goods to second-hand shops, school bazaars, and bring and buys. If you're giving away unwanted presents make sure that their provenance can't be traced.

Always offer other mums your children's cast-off clothes (unless they're in a deplorable condition, in which case they can be recycled). Nobody should feel insulted by your 'charity' - it makes perfectly good ecological sense.

Leave the car at home and try walking, cycling or public transport.

When replacing your car, look for the most carbon efficient - it will have road tax benefits too.

Choose a carbon neutral airline and you will play your part in lessening the negative effects of travel.

You know it makes sense, but resist the temptation to preach to the un-converted...


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