Duke and Duchess

Duke and Duchess

A duke is the highest of the five grades of the peerage.  For guidance on how to address the four royal dukes (Cambridge, York, Gloucester and Kent) see Other Royals).

A duke is always so described, unlike the lower ranks of the peerage. If reference is made to only one duke he may be called 'the Duke' but if distinction is necessary, or on introduction, he should be referred to as 'the Duke of …..'.

Ecclesiastical, ambassadorial and armed forces ranks precede the ducal rank. For example, Major-General the Duke of …..'.

When a duke is also a privy counsellor or has received a knighthood he may use the appropriate post-nominal letters.

The wife of a duke is always described as the Duchess, or the Duchess of ….. if distinction is required or on introduction.

In official and legal documents the style of The Most Noble ….. should still be used for both a duke and duchess.

How to Address a Duke and Duchess

The recommended (social) style of address for all non-royal dukes is as follows:

Beginning of letter

Dear Duke/Duchess

End of letter

Yours sincerely


The Duke/Duchess of Mayfair

Verbal Communication


Invitation* & joint form of address

The Duke and Duchess of Mayfair

Description in conversation

The Duke/Duchess of Mayfair

List of Directors or Patrons

The Duke/Duchess of Mayfair

Place Card

The Duke/Duchess of Mayfair

Legal document

The Most Noble Edward William Duke of Mayfair, The Most Noble Georgina Susan Duchess of Mayfair

*Note that, traditionally, invitations to a married couple, when sent to their home address, are addressed to the wife alone, with both names being inscribed on the invitation card. It has become increasingly acceptable, however, to address the envelope with both names.

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