Newspaper Announcements

Once the news has been spread by informal means, an announcement may be made in a local or a national paper.

It is traditional for the father of the bride to organise this if the bride's parents are hosting the wedding. Nowadays, many couples prefer to do it themselves, if at all.

Example Engagement Announcements

A traditional announcement reads:

Mr R Manners and Miss K Debrett

The engagement is announced between Richard, elder son

of Mr and Mrs John Manners of Lewes, East Sussex, and Kate,

only daughter of Mr and Mrs Rufus Debrett of Richmond, Surrey


If one or both sets of parents is divorced, the name and address of each parent is clearly spelt out:

Mr R Manners and Miss K Debrett

The engagement is announced between Richard, elder son

of Mr John Manners of Lewes, East Sussex and Mrs Jane Manners

of Chelsea, London, and Kate, only daughter of Mr Rufus Debrett

of Richmond, Surrey and Mrs Lily Coote of Hampstead, London

If a parent is widowed:

Mr R Manners and Miss K Debrett

The engagement is announced between Richard, elder son

of Mr and Mrs John Manners of Lewes, East Sussex, and Kate,

only daughter of Mrs Rufus Debrett of Richmond, Surrey

A more contemporary style may be used:

Mr Richard Manners of Brighton, East Sussex and Miss Kate Debrett

of Cobham, Surrey are delighted to announce their engagement.

A summer wedding is planned.

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Debrett's wedding guide

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