City Driving

Piccadilly sign

Driving in a city requires you to keep your wits about you. It is essential to not only navigate your way successfully, but also to interact with politely, and positively, with other drivers.

Plan your route. One-way systems and heavy traffic can quickly become confusing, so know where you're going.

Keep a safe distance from the car in front in queuing traffic. Ideally, their rear tyres should be in your vision. Watch out for bus lanes. Read the signs carefully as you are likely to be fined if you drive in them during restricted hours.

Be aware of pedestrians - people are likely to cross the road away from designated crossings or wander out into the road without looking. Remember, too, that pedestrians have priority at traffic lights when the light is both red and flashing amber.

Remember that there's a speed limit of 30 mph in built-up areas and roads with street lighting, but look out for signs that show otherwise. Never use your horn between the hours of 23.30 and 07.00 in urban areas.

Be careful where you park. City roads will often have residents' parking during certain times of the day, so check the signs before leaving your vehicle.

Don't let city driving fray your nerves. Heavy, slow-moving traffic, confusing road signs and eccentric traffic systems may be stressful. Don't express your frustration or vent your rage. If it all gets too much, pull off the road and give yourself time to calm down.




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