16 to 18

16 to 18  - Tutoring session about body language

For students aged 16 to 18, programmes focus on success in education environments, personal impact, presentation and style, modern finishing and preparation for the next stage (internships and university).

Interactive, experiential training methods, with role play and a range of visiting experts and actors, ensure the programmes are fun and varied and establish confident foundations for future success.


Maximum of ten students per programme

Delivered over five days or two intensive weekends at Debrett's in Mayfair

Residential programmes also available 

Sample content

Making a positive first impression

Maximising personal impact - first impressions in action

Confident introductions

Success in internships and work experience

Interview skills

Dress codes and personal style

Correct form written correspondence - CVs and covering letters

Etiquette and modern manners

Correct form correspondence - netiquette, mobiles and social media

Business leader insights to inspire your future

Confident communication for the next stage

Vocal impact - telephone skills

Networking skills - how to build and maintain a network

Formal dining and cocktail receptions

Social etiquette, hosting and being a guest

Deportment and posture

International etiquette and greetings


Five Day Programme - Price on Application 

Two Day Programme - £1,000 per student

Fees include VAT

Dates 2014

Five Day Programmes

17 - 21 February 2014
7 - 11 April 2014
14 - 18 April 2014
26 - 30 May 2014
4 - 8 August 2014
11 - 15 August 2014
18 - 22 August 2014
25 - 29 August 2014

2 Day Programmes

8 - 9 Febuary 2014
17 - 18 February 2014
15 - 16 March 2014
5 - 6 April 2014
7 - 8 April 2014
14 - 15 April 2014
19 - 20 April 2014
3 - 4 May 2014
10 - 11 May 2014
26 - 27 May 2014
4 - 5 August 2014
11 - 12 August 2014


Please contact Debrett's on enquiries@debretts.com





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