Commonwealth High Commissioner

A commonwealth high commissioner in the United Kingdom is accorded the same style and precedence as an ambassador.

It is always correct to describe high commissioner by name, adding the country after the name, for example, 'His Excellency Mr John Dauth, High Commissioner for* Australia'. If in doubt, check with the secretary of the high commissioner in question.

*Note: it is correct to use the word ‘ for’ in respect of commonwealth countries.

In a letter to a high commissioner, it is usual to mention 'Your Excellency' in the opening and closing paragraphs. In a long letter, further references may be made to 'you' or 'your'.

How to Address a High Commissioner

The recommended form of address for a high commissioner is as follows:

Beginning of letter Your Excellency (formal) or Dear High Commissioner (social)
End of letter I have the honour to be Your Excellency's obedient servant (formal) or Yours Sincerely (social)
Envelope His Excellency The High Commissioner for Australia or His Excellency Mr John Jones (formal and social)
Verbal communication  Your Excellency should be mentioned at least once in conversation, and thereafter Sir or Ma'am or by name (formal), or High Commissioner or by name (social)
Conversation His Excellency (formal), or The Australian High Commissioner or The High Commissioner of Australia or by name (social)


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