The Memorial Service

In a traditional church setting, the immediate family of the deceased - as at a funeral - sit in the pews at the front right-hand side of the church. They are the last to enter, and the first to leave, and the congregation stand for both their entry and departure.

Conventionally, dress is sombre; dark suits and black ties for men, dark clothes for women. However, if the memorial service is commemorating a long and happy life, it is not necessary to adhere to a strict dress code. At a very grand service, traditional morning dress may be worn, in which case most women would wear formal day dress with hats.

As with a funeral, a full order of service is printed, with the full title of the deceased (including orders and decorations), their dates, and possibly a photograph, on the front cover. More light-hearted elements, such as photographs and passages from favourite authors, may be included and it is very much seen as a memorialising the individual’s life and tastes.




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