Brill Open

Open Access Publishing  

Open, Sustainable, High-Quality

  • Increased online visibility and free accessibility
  • Rigorous peer review and editorial support
  • Full author and funder recognition
  • High-quality publication standards
  • Compliance with OA requirements
  • For journals and books
Welcome to the World of Brill Open

Brill Open offers you the choice to make your research freely accessible online in exchange for a Publication Charge. This can be by choice or to comply with funding mandates or university requirements. Brill offers various options of Open Access, allowing you to publish in your choice of journal (hybrid), in one of Brill’s growing list of fully Open Access journals, or in one of Brill’s numerous book series.

Brill Open is made available to you only upon acceptance of your article or book. This requires a positive outcome of the peer review process and editorial decision making.

Please note: Brill is committed to reflect a journal’s Open Access income in the development of its subscription price. This price adjustment is determined by the change in the share of paid OA content. As soon as this exceeds 10%, since the last price adjustment, this change in pricing will apply. New journals will be excluded from this policy in the first five years of publication.

Brill Open Articles

Brill Open Articles is available for all journals published under Brill and its imprints. Upon receipt of the Article Publication Charge (APC), your article will be made freely accessible on Brill’s Online Books and Journals platform under a Creative Commons license: CC-BY or CC-BY-NC. Brill’s current publication charges are listed below.

Before publication you will be requested to sign a special Brill Open Consent to Publish form, which can be downloaded here:

Brill Open Journals

Brill publishes a growing number of fully Open Access journals. These undergo the same rigorous peer review and uphold the same high-quality publication standards that Brill is known for. The APCs of three of these journals are fully covered by sponsors. A full title listing pricing of APC per Brill Open journal can be found here. Brill’s fully Open Access journals are also listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

We are currently announcing a suite of four new full open access journals covering our major  disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, and Biology.

Brill Open Biology Cover Image Brill Open Humanities Cover Image Brill Open Law Cover Image Brill Open Social Sciences Cover Image
Brill Open Books

As a major publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences and International Law, Brill sees its academic book publications as a cornerstone of its publishing program, and is, therefore, extending Brill Open to all its book series. Brill Open book titles are also listed in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), of which Brill is a proud sponsor.  OA books will be made accessible under a CC-BY-NC license. For the current Book Publication Charge (BPC), see below.

For any queries regarding the Brill Open, please contact

 Watch out for the CC-BY logo     or the CC-BY-NC logo


Brill Open Publication Charges


Brill Open Book Series

Radboud Studies in Humanities

Radboud Studies in Humanities is the first fully Open Access book series published by Brill. A special focus of the series will be interdisciplinary approaches and studies that demonstrate the relevance of the humanities to society at large.  All titles in the series will become available simultaneously in print and as Open Access e-books.






International Development Policy

International Development Policy -- a fully open access series -- is a critical source of analysis of development policy and international cooperation trends and is aimed at scholars, policymakers, development professionals, and journalists. It offers a diverse range of academic views from both industrialised countries and emerging economies.






IFLA / Brill Open Access Award      
IFLA logo

The IFLA/Brill Open Access award rewards initiatives that facilitate and/or promote Open Access Scholarly Monographs in the humanities or social sciences. For more information, visit The winner of the first award (2013) is Open Book Publishers (Cambridge, UK).


Brill and DOAB

DOAJ Books Logo


Brill is a proud sponsor of Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), which includes Brill’s Open Access books.


Brill Joins OASPA


Brill is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). The association promotes and supports scholarly publishers that offer reputable open access publications and reliable open access publishing services. View Brill’s membership profile page.

Brill and OAPEN
OAPEN logo

Brill believes in sustainable models that enhance the quality and dissemination of academic content. For this reason Brill is participating in the OAPEN pilot study into the effects of Open Access on books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For more information on this pilot see:


Brill Open offers Discounts or Waivers for Authors from Developing Countries

Article Publication Charges (APCs) are reduced or waived for authors from developing countries in the case of fully open access journals, as part of Brill's Developing Countries Program

Discounted and waived APCs are also available for Brill's new suite of fully Open Access journals. Learn more >>

If you have questions, contact us at


Find out more about Brill’s self-archiving rights for journals and books.