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Wedding Readings Library, From Classic to Unusual
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Bride and groom smiling at each other while minister performs ceremony - Rob Melnychuk/Photodisc/Getty Images
Rob Melnychuk/Photodisc/Getty Images
If you're looking for a wedding reading, start with these diverse samples. There's sure to be the right one for you, whether you're looking for a traditional reading for a classic ceremony or a more unusual passage for a unique event.

Most wedding ceremonies include two to three readings, which can be similar or quite different. These readings come from a variety of sources, including the Bible, poetry, and famous works of fiction.

  • Classic and Traditional Wedding Readings There's a reason the classics became the classics, right? They're timeless passages about love and relationships.

  • Wedding Readings from Novels and Literature Rather than hitting you over the head, these passages use metaphor and imagery to evoke feelings and deliver subtle messages. Each person listening will likely interpret it slightly differently, but that's part of the magic.

  • Romantic Wedding Readings When your love is full of passion, you'll want your wedding reading to be equally enchantingly amorous. These especially tender passages come from a variety of sources - quotes, novels, poems, essays - but they're all romantic.
  • Love Poetry for Wedding Readings Poetry can be an incredible way to describe love, leaving space for nuance, and delivering imagery that's new and different. Of course, there are literally millions of love poems, but these are particularly apt for weddings.

  • Unique and Unusual Wedding Readings If you dance to a different drummer, or you just want to make sure your guests haven't heard your wedding reading before, these are for you.

  • Wedding Readings from the Bible For Christians, the greatest love is in the Bible. You've probably heard the "love is patient, love is kind" reading from Corinthians many times, but there's some other beautiful verses about love that might surprise you. You may also want to check out 21 Old Testament Wedding Readings and New Testament Wedding Readings

  • Jewish Wedding Readings The most famous Jewish wedding reading is from the Song of Solomon (Ani L'dodi V' dodi Li / I am My Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine). But there are many other traditional, modern, and even secular Jewish wedding readings to choose from.

  • Wedding Readings from Shakespeare The Bard wrote many words about love, but only some are appropriate for your ceremony. Here are my favorites from his plays and verse.

  • Funny Wedding Readings Not everything about a ceremony needs to be serious. Adding some moments of levity in between more solemn moments of ritual can do more than keep your guests entertained. Odds are, your love for each other isn't all serious either. By adding funny wedding readings, you can express a fuller version of your relationship.

If you're having a religious ceremony , be sure to check with your officiant as they may have limitations on what can be included in the ceremony . But for secular, non-denominational, and more liberal religious events, feel free to be creative. It's worth it to take the time to find the right wedding reading - you'll want to express your love for each other, and what you believe about marriage. 10 Tips on How to Choose a Wedding Reading

Don't feel that you have to be limited to the selections in this library. You might have favorite song lyrics, a love letter you wrote, or a quote from a magazine article. The important thing is that what is read is a reflection of your relationship, and your views on love, marriage, and commitment.
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