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Six Reasons Why DVDs Still Make Money -- And Won't Die Anytime Soon - Forbes
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I help run the top trade publication covering the business of television as executive editor at Broadcasting & Cable magazine. Past editing and reporting posts in both New York and L.A. have been at Variety, Entertainment Weekly and the Los Angeles Times, and my writing has also appeared in The New York Times, the Boston Globe and TV Guide. My two books on the media business are Open Wide: How Hollywood Box Office Became a National Obsession (Miramax Books) and Anytime Playdate: Inside the Preschool Entertainment Boom, or, How Television Became My Baby’s Best Friend (Free Press/Simon & Schuster). I did fall off the wagon for three years and worked in PR at Rubenstein Communications, but representing Tribeca Enterprises, Paramount Pictures (among others) gave me valuable media insights. For example, I now wear only sensible shoes and breathable fabrics when in Doha, Qatar.

Contact Dade Hayes

The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer.

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Six Reasons Why DVDs Still Make Money -- And Won't Die Anytime Soon

DVD collection

Pop quiz: How many of yours are still in shrinkwrap? (Photo credit: nickstone333).

During earnings season this spring, media company chiefs all touted quarterly growth in digital rentals and sales of movies and TV shows. They paused only briefly to shovel more dirt on the grave of the other part of the multi-billion-dollar home entertainment market: those so-last-decade little discs known as DVDs.

“It is definitely a more challenged business in terms of … the sell-through and rental of physical goods,” said Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger during a typical conference call with analysts in May. “But it’s been growing nicely on the digital front and I think that bodes well for the future.” Other executives simply ignored Wall Street’s questions about hard goods and rhapsodized about how the ones and zeroes were finally bringing in long-promised bucks.

Refreshingly forward-thinking for an industry not known for being so? Eminently logical given the explosion of digital platforms in recent years? Perhaps. But this stance is also disingenuous given that physical goods still make up about two-thirds of major studios’ total home entertainment revenue. Perhaps it’s simple human nature — few executives, especially those in an industry built on razzle-dazzle, enjoy dwelling on decaying parts of their business. They’d rather talk about the wave of tomorrow, regardless of how big or genuine the swell.

The decline of the DVD, let’s not sugarcoat it, has been significant. According to annual figures released in January by industry trade group the Digital Entertainment Group (note the name), overall home entertainment revenue grew 0.2% in 2012, surpassing $18 billion. Physical disc sales have fallen by about 30% since their 2004 peak, to some 700 million units, but the revenue picture has remained stable (with more than a decade of consecutive annual tallies of $18 billion-plus, the DEG says). The reason is diversification. Consumers remain hungry for content, but are finding more and more avenues to it — electronic sell-through (EST), subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) or transactional VOD has all amounted to the same pie, just sliced into more pieces. But the DVD is no more dead than the single-screen movie theatre or the network sitcom or the hardcover book — other former cash cows that now play a diminished but still vital role in the ecosystem.

LAS VEGAS, NV - JANUARY 10:  Mike Dunn Preside...

Mike Dunn President Fox Home Entertainment Worldwide, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment at an UltraViolet press event in 2012. (Image credit: WireImage)

I am here to say it is premature to pen the obituary of the oft-maligned DVD, onetime redeemer of flops, makers of careers and buoy of Hollywood during a meteoric 1999-2004 heyday. This wafer-thin, pocket-sized, data-rich slice of entertainment defies the usual narrative of obsolescence. It does not compare with the fraying, un-uploadable VHS tape or the cartoonishly oversized laserdisc. Unhip as it may be to point out, the humble disc serves a useful — and, yes, lucrative –purpose. After checking in with a range of industry leaders (not all of whom wanted to be identified given how their bosses characterize the marketplace) and putting my own thoughts together after covering the industry since the boom began, I am prepared to now make the optimistic case for the DVD. Not a bullish case in the sense of growth, clearly, but a prediction that these little silver objects will continue to matter to media companies for many years to come.

“In any forecast, physical goods will remain the largest piece,” Bill Clark, president of Anchor Bay Entertainment, told me. “It’s a very important revenue stream. There is no indication that digital is going to surpass physical. We need to grow the entire pie.”

Here are a handful of reasons, nearly a decade after the peak of DVD sales, why the physical slice of the pie will stay substantial:

1) Kids need it — Summer vacation season is well under way, and millions of parents are relearning this basic early childhood precept. Until automakers figure out how to make vehicles rolling wi-fi hotspots, airlines open the throttle on in-flight bandwidth, and online outlets decrease download times, watching movie and TV content on disc will remain the best way to travel. Plus, even at home, bonus features add more value to kids titles, as does packaging. It may be true that mobile devices and tablets are being used by kids at younger and younger ages, and that Netflix streaming has eroded linear viewing of Nickelodeon and other kids channels. But when it comes to home entertainment and long-term usage, DVD is simply a better value. Having shelled out three times for my kids to watch Parental Guidance on a tablet and home screen, I say bring on the Blu-ray (and hope it doesn’t get scratched).

2) The industry’s own marketing says so – UltraViolet, a cloud technology embraced by a broad consortium of distributors (notable holdouts include Disney), is selling the concept of multi-platform content access. That means if you buy a disc, you also get to access the digital copy, a “combo-pack” strategy that is now an industry cornerstone. The tables could soon turn, but the disc will stay in the picture. “In the future, you’re going to buy a digital copy and then get the disc as another way to view the content,” predicts Victor Elizalde, head of VIVA Pictures and a former studio exec.

3) Specialization favors it — Beyond the DEG data there are myriad distributors trafficking in a range of areas from sports to music to fitness to spiritualism — vast realms where the marketing opportunities and venues may be greater for physical discs than digital files. It’s easier to sell an official championship team DVD at supermarkets, gas stations and other retail outlets, for example, than an official championship download.

4) Blu-ray still the best viewing experience – For cinephiles or even anyone inclined in that direction, HD content viewed on the finest Retina tablet display or LCD flat screen can’t come close to a Blu-ray. Gaming platforms, such as the upcoming PlayStation 4 or just-released X-box, will continue to drive significant Blu-ray business. The rollout of Blu-ray has been a bit of a New Coke experience for Hollywood but after the smoke and disappointment has cleared it remains a superior format attracting all of the top content producers. “Working closely with the DEG, we’ll be launching a consumer awareness campaign about the merits of Blu-ray and UltraViolet,” says Anchor Bay’s Clark. “A lot of consumers don’t fully understand it.”

5) It’s the collector’s choice – If you were baffled by the format wars of a decade ago pitting Sony’s Blu-ray against Toshiba’s HD-DVD, the confusion around cloud storage is exponentially greater. The notion of a “digital storage locker,” as easily managed as one’s iTunes music library or Netflix account, has long been promoted by Hollywood (hence, UltraViolet). But there are an array of factors that will keep this concept from taking over and dominating. One is bandwidth — cloud DVRs are just now rolling out from MSOs like Comcast, and already there are questions about the cost and feasibility of bandwidth and storage. Old-school DVD collecting, while it involved an initial pricetag, didn’t get progressively more expensive the more you bought. Also, many players are cashing in on the demand for popular shows by creating packaging that lures hardcore fans. AMC’s blockbuster series Walking Dead sold out its run of 35,000 packages designed by McFarlane Toys. The price of this boxed set: $100. That’s a couple extra million right off the top.

6) For a lot of Americans, it ain’t broke – The media/industry narrative around the death of DVD and supremacy of digital doesn’t match the reality of most U.S. markets outside of New York, L.A., San Francisco and a small handful of other enclaves. Battered by recession and indifferent to aesthetics or the futuristic potential of cloud storage, they are happy to rent cheap discs from Redbox (whose kiosks outnumber McDonald’s and Starbucks outlets combined). As one major studio home entertainment confided to me, “There are a lot of Topeka, Kansases out there. And that’s a business we still need to be in.”

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  • DVD’s will be around for a while http://surveyguarantee.info

  • ““In any forecast, physical goods will remain the largest piece,” Bill Clark, president of Anchor Bay Entertainment”

    This guy’s a nutter. Before I break you down, I want to say I’m usually all for against the grain investigation, because the masses are all too enthusiastic to move to a conclusion and generalize ideas in our world. But the sad reality is on the topic of DVD as a medium this will likely be another self fulfilling prophecy.

    “Until automakers figure out how to make vehicles rolling wi-fi hotspots, airlines open the throttle on in-flight bandwidth, and online outlets decrease download times, watching movie and TV content on disc will remain the best way to travel. ”

    Wrong because of your initial assumption that you need to stream everything. Think of the Ipod/ipad model where you download from Itunes and then transport the shows physically inside your device. Still easier than finding and purchasing a physical DVD. It will only be a short amount of time until it’s TV and movies (Amazon prime and itunes already sell downloadable rental videos that work for 24 hours). You load your kids tablet up with good stuff, they have to hit one button to turn it on, then they select from big fat baby hand sized thumbnails of basketball playing dogs or apes eating bananas to choose which to watch. Seems easier than them opening a jewel case and not scratching the bejesus out of the disc (trust me it happens all the time I worked at Blockbuster).

    LCD flat screen can’t come close to a Blu-ray. Gaming platforms, such as the upcoming PlayStation 4 or just-released X-box, will continue to drive significant Blu-ray business. ”

    I’m not so sure. I’ve streamed in 1080p, and I don’t need an extra $100 blu ray specific box to do it. Actually, only recently did Xbox reverse its decision to go all digital. Look at the most powerful game markets and producers like Steam, EA or Blizzard (makers of Starcraft 2 and World of Warcraft) which are all downloadable content and rendered unsellable (when used) with a CD key or multiplayer key. The xbox live market is going the way the PC market is… downloadable content.

    “There are a lot of Topeka, Kansases out there.”

    Sure. Wait, no, but they’re being serviced by primarily Netflix STREAMING. Netflix revenue nearly $3.7 billion vs. Coinstar owner of Red Box $2.2 b. Netflix 29 Million streaming / 8 million mailers [1]. This was flipped on its head just last year, look at the annual revenues! You can’t imagine whats going to happen when everyone is walking around with a tablet or phone which in and of itself is capable of playing HD movies in 16:9 aspect ratio…

    Maybe one of your reasons (collectors) are anything more than anecdotal or plainly false. Sorry.

    I think you’re coming at the question from the wrong angle: It’s not the DVD that’s dead – it’s eventually ALL physical media. Wake up and smell of the binary.


  • Dade Hayes Dade Hayes, Contributor 1 year ago

    I appreciate the thoughts on this, Mike — and I know you speak for a lot of people when you say that all physical media is completely over. But I can’t agree that there will never be books or discs of any kind (and after what, two years? 10 years? 50?). Tech aside, the implications for personal libraries of electronic goods just disappearing or reverting to the seller is a little ominous to me – http://www.marketwatch.com/story/who-inherits-your-itunes-library-2012-08-23

    Specific to the home entertainment world, it’s not just me saying it’ll be a mix of physical and digital for the foreseeable future. None of the folks I spoke to about this feel it’s going to be as absolute as the CEOs have made it sound (e.g., digital=good, DVD=bad). Netflix is evolving its business but it can’t be inferred from their business strategy that no one will ever again want a physical disc. Studios manage massive libraries — Warner Bros., the catalog leader, is moving toward an on-demand model that will leave inventories lean but still enable them to satisfy demand for physical goods. A lost sale is a lost sale — might as well figure an inexpensive way to profit on the demand for discs, even if it keeps diminishing. Music fans are still clamoring for vinyl, let’s not forget – http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/10/arts/music/vinyl-records-are-making-a-comeback.html?pagewanted=all

  • Consumers are different from generation to generation. The younger crowd prefer’s digital media over physical, it just make sense when you have smart phones, tv, and tablets where you can access media with a touch of the screen. and each generation after will be more accustomed to digital then physical….The ones that are keeping physical media alive are older generations who were born accustomed to physical media…I don’t know anyone today that prefers to write on stone tablets then on a piece of paper….It’s just a matter of time when DVDs/Blu Rays and books will only be found at antique shops alongside those Vinyls and only a niche group finds any enjoyment and purchasing media this way.

  • turbovega turbovega 1 year ago

    “It’s not the DVD that’s dead – it’s eventually ALL physical media. Wake up and smell of the binary.”

    I beg to differ.

    First, I find that most of the books I buy from Amazon are still not available in digital form. That doesn’t seem to be changing very fast. If you want Harry Potter, you’re in luck. If you want some academic book, it likely is not available in digital form.

    Second, paper books can be taken places where electricity is not available and there are still lots of places where high speed wi-fi is not available. It is hard for the well-connected to imagine that, but it is true.

    Third, having physical media means you own a copy without any questions about it.

    Fourth, all the cool services technogeeks rave about in their blab about digital vs physical media cost $$$. With physical media, once you have paid for it, you can revisit as many times as you want without additional $$$ being spent.

    Fifth, the “cloud” is not always available. Outages are possible.

    It may be that digital replaces physical, but that may be a long way in the future. I remember the predictions of the paperless office in the ’80s. People still print things at work.

    The printed book is a very good technology and will not be quickly replaced.

  • turbovega turbovega 1 year ago

    and sixth, downloaded files can get corrupted by malware or other causes or can be lost if your device crashes or suffers some physical mishap. A paper book or plastic dvd disk, while they can be ruined by physical causes, have their own reliability because they are physical, especially your physical book, which might still be readable 100 years from now, vs digital media, which may be in a format no longer supported.

  • Jim Dawkins Jim Dawkins 1 year ago

    Actually the author is correct. Unless you have kids you don’t get this issue. There are many streaming services that will require a connection to view the content and or authenticate viewing it. The whole assumption that you are always wired is a failed one.

  • Ryan Clark Ryan Clark 1 year ago

    Absolutely agree, turbovega. Anyone who thinks that printed books, which have been around for countless centuries, will suddenly be replaced by a fleeting technological fad (eBooks) is a moron.

  • Jedidiah Tmj Jedidiah Tmj 5 months ago

    Post-DVD video solutions (including BluRay) all suffer from the problem that Big Media seems to be trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle. They all come with more bothersome forms of copy protection. The streaming market in particular is highly fragmented and suffers from not being able to exploit the First Sale Doctrine. Content can be discontinued at any time for any reason (see DRM). This leads to tech that’s more fussy and more buggy than it really needs to be.

    Some solutions require you to restrict yourself to a single brand of hardware manufacturer (see DRM).

    There is a certain level of intuitive simplicity to one physical thing being one creative work. It’s simple and reliable.

    “media free” content would be less problematic if the industry weren’t constantly treating it’s customers like thieves. Liberated media has all of the advantages of any of the streaming services without many of the drawbacks.

    …and Netflix streaming is a competitor to cable, not DVDs. Netflix is like the 32 or so re-run dominated channels that are part of your 500 channel package. If anything, Netflix demonstrates why DVDs are still relevant. All of the new and oddball content is still only available on DVD.

  • epkrieg epkrieg 1 year ago

    I find the DVD market fascinating. There certainly is a pricing strategy, and you can find even Blu-Ray copies of certain movies for as little as $5. On the other hand, if you must have the new release on the day it comes out, that same Blu-Ray could be as much as $35.

    The biggest issue I have with DVDs is that they scratch so easily. Their longevity is kind of a joke. Ripping your DVDs to a hard drive, and properly backing that hard drive up, is a necessity.

  • Jonas Hudson Jonas Hudson 1 year ago

    DVD sales will erode faster than you think. To you points;

    1) Kids need it – On the contrary, Kids can’t stand it. 3 year olds move faster than teens on an Android/iPhone and don’t have time putting discs in and out of older devices. They switch from YouTube to downloaded content on their devices with the swipe of their fingers. As a father of 3, please take my word on this. Also, to your point on scratched DVDs – try doing a road trip and not scratching your DVDs – impossible.

    2. The industry’s own marketing says so – How did that work out for the music industries marketing Gurus…. Ultraviolet – try explaining how that works to your average Walmart consumer – good luck. Until their consumer experience becomes as easy YouTube, the growth won’t explode the way “industry analysts” predict. Don’t Believe They Hype (thanks Chuck D)
    3. Specialization favors it – It’s easier to distribute mobile content links via SMS or push notifications at grocery – especially if tied to a gift with purchase. The shelf space is much more valuable to a CPG company and will pay for the real estate. The wave of new technologies hitting “specialty” (ie. Gimbal) is changing this model as we speak. Also, people in line at grocery are limiting their last minute purchase decisions of sugar, gum and Kardashian stories because their eyes are glued to Words With Friends or Facebook while in line.
    4. Blu-ray still the best viewing experience – Yes. And who cares, the sub-30 crowd is born and raised on Youtube videos and the growth of mobile viewing is flying – it’s about getting the content as fast as possible, quality becomes secondary. Ask a HH with a fixed income – would you rather buy a blue ray player or a smart phone?

    5. It’s the collector’s choice – Ask a sub 30 year old about “collecting” physical goods. Not happening and no one cares. The days of the mahogany DVD shelves in peoples homes are gone. (except for the dinosaurs, of course)

    6. For a lot of Americans, it ain’t broke – It did break, that’s why Netflix and Red Box are killing it. Red Box will still be of value, especially when they completely transition to digital.

    In all, DVDs will slowly decline over the next few years like the record store, the music label and ….. well, you can ask Spielberg and Lucas about the studio system.

  • I pegged the number at 10 (Reasons Why DVD Has Legs, http://www.giant-interactive.com/blog/?p=323), but I think we’re both talking about some of the same effects.

  • Dade Hayes Dade Hayes, Contributor 1 year ago

    Thanks, G.I. — hadn’t seen this but great minds!

  • Scott Mendelson Scott Mendelson, Contributor 1 year ago

    What’s most frustrating about this transition is that’s a case of being forced to give up a superior product in exchange for a thus-far inferior one. DVDs will (usually) play the film from beginning to end no matter what the whims of your Internet connection might be at a given place. They have multiple spoken languages and various subtitle options. They have special features. On-Demand options rarely have subtitles outside of Netflix (and kudos for them on that), and all-too-few have foreign languages and almost none have special features.

    The only “superior” component over the physical DVD is the whole ‘watch it from my Internet connection right now’ concept. That’s great, unless your Internet connection isn’t reliable or you need captions of some kind. And what’s problematic is that my choice of renting a physical copy of a film is being taken from me by the loss of Blockbuster stores and the holds of rental titles from most major studios. If I want to see a film as soon as it’s technically available for home viewing, I either have to hope I have a nearby Blockbuster or I have to download that film for a higher price in a less quality presentation and without the various special features than I would have on disc.

    What’s basically happening is that studios are removing the option of the physical DVD for rental in exchange for ‘On Demand’ which substitutes convenience for quality. And the result is having to choose between inferior quality or the now-incredible inconvenience of either waiting for that one disc to magically arrive in the mail or however long it takes for RedBox to stock a new title. And if you want an older title, well, it’s basically either On-Demand or bust.

  • grokpie grokpie 1 year ago

    Yeah, but then you have to sit through about 10 minutes of crap — warnings and previews — before you even hit the menu screen. The good news: Ripping DVDs takes out the crap. The bad news: The DMCA says it’s illegal to break a DVD’s protection.

    DVDs aren’t any better quality than streaming, though. Hulu’s best free option — at 480p — is no different than DVDs. Pay, and you get access to 720P, which surpasses any DVD. Netflix automatically adjusts the quality to your internet connection, so you may get 720p or 240p.

  • Scott Mendelson Scott Mendelson, Contributor 1 year ago

    Exactly. A Netflix stream may look pretty solid (720p is still a step down from 1080p) or it may look like a 20-year old VHS tape copied thrice over, all depending on the whims of your network strength at the time. I pop in a Blu Ray, and I know I’m getting a 1080p top-notch presentation every time.

  • Dade Hayes Dade Hayes, Contributor 1 year ago

    Great points all. One tip about Netflix’s view of the viewing experience is that when the third-gen. iPad launched, their app wasn’t even optimized for HD. Can’t argue with their success but their abandonment of DVD/BR and low-quality stream.

    I also agree with your note about older titles — and it isn’t just Netflix, but also iTunes, Amazon Prime, pretty much any other player in the online streaming/TVOD world. It is a film buff’s nightmare — much of it isn’t solely their fault, as the rights have been so tangled up and now that streaming is a multi-billion-dollar business no one wants to just rubber-stamp those deals. But still, it’s amazing that for anyone interested in a breadth of film/TV, there’s really no one-stop shop, despite the promise of the Internet bringing the full bounty of content to consumers anytime, anywhere.

  • Mark Rogowsky Mark Rogowsky, Contributor 1 year ago

    Of course, the flipside of this Scott is the whole, “I have to fast forward through your stupid trailers” nonsense. The whole “I have to load your disc” business… The nice part of streaming is the whole laziness and efficiency of the experience. And when done on Vudu HDX or at 1080p on iTunes, it’s near BluRay quality.

    Now, all that said, I rent from Redbox whenever possible. It’s $1.60 vs. $5-6 and it’s better. And I’d rather take the 1.5 mile round trip and >not< be lazy. But every time I see the stupid warnings about piracy or have to hit "skip" through 4 previews, I get a little angry.

  • Your point that there is no one-stop shop for anyone interested in a breadth of film/TV is true if you’re only considering streaming options. I personally think there are more negatives than positives to online streaming to justify spending the $8/month for Netflix Instant. I pay $12/month for two DVDs by mail at a time and I have access to every title imaginable. I dictate what I want to watch, I don’t let what is available to stream impact what I want, and that is of the utmost importance to someone who watches many indie and foreign films.

  • Jim Dawkins Jim Dawkins 1 year ago

    So many people are shelling out money for a big screen HDTV. Personally if I want to watch a good movie in all its glory I get a disc. Netflix does come in handy and I do find myself using streaming more and more. With that said, I find the streamed content a mixed bag AND if I want to see the latest releases via streaming its expensive as hell. Isn’t that a bit of irony. People rejected brick and mortar blockbuster because of the rising rental fees, but now the supposed darling (streaming) costs even more.

    How can it be that a rental at a redbox with all its enormous overhead costs can be cheaper to rent than a stream that is digital file sitting on a server farm. There is no handling overhead. Why is it more expensive? These are the things big media is blind to understand. I know why they do it, but its also one reason why streaming hasn’t really taken off.

  • Yes. Hi.
    My name is Paula B.
    Of Somerset MA.
    And I really don’t care all that much fore all this downloading and streaming.
    As far as cloud streaming services like ultraviolet go.
    I think it’s bull Shit and it’s a rip off.
    If I’m going to own a film .
    I want a Physical disc.!
    I agree with you that Physical discs are not going to go away any time soon/but I do think that Blu-Ray is the future of the disc market fore movies. And concerts especially.!

  • Brian Nelson Brian Nelson 1 year ago

    I almost forgot to mention. I like owning the physical disc whether it’s a blu-ray, DVD or CD.

  • Brian Nelson Brian Nelson 1 year ago

    I agree 100%. The physical format isn’t going away anytime soon. Streaming is a great way for the causal viewer, but nothing beats going out an buying a blu-ray, DVD or even a CD at your local stores, or ordering it online thru amazon.com or any other online site. Can streaming do true 1080p? Can streaming do DTS-HD Master Audio, or Dolby TruHD? It CAN’T! It’ll be many years before this can be achieved. Have you checked recently how Netflix streams newer films. It looks like VHS-revisited. We have become really lazy when it comes to actually getting off our asses.

  • Tracey Kirby Tracey Kirby 1 year ago

    DVD/Bluray will still be here a decade from now. I still watch some of my old VHS movies that have yet been rereleased to a newer format and may never.

  • My local library has a vast collection of DVDs, including classic movies, foreign films, TV shows and documentaries. I can’t imagine finding this kind of selection or archive on Netflix or other internet format. Plus, I’d much rather browse the shelves of the library for titles then Google search. As for new releases, the library is only about 3 months behind in terms of stocking them. Most important is that they are 100% free to borrow. You can’t beat that!

  • I’ll add a bunch more reasons:

    The horse as transportation is not dead.
    The 78 RPM turntable is not dead.
    The piano is not dead.
    The electric fan is not dead.
    The bicycle is not dead.
    The *fire*place is not dead.
    Home clothing creation is not dead.
    Camping is not dead.

    Okay, you get my drift.

    The world isn’t nearly as black and white as some people wish it to be.

  • Bruce Taylor Bruce Taylor 1 year ago

    Very thoughtful article. Please be more considerate when giving your articles a title.
    I came here to read about DVD Vs. Blu-Ray sales and format longevity. I can now see that you are considering Blu-Ray discs to be DVDs. In the sense of the name “Digital Video Disc”, I guess you could make an argument that BD (Blu-Ray discs) are DVDs, but format wise it is INCORRECT. As you know a BD will not play in a DVD player and if compatibility was not built in by design a DVD would not play in a BD player.
    You could/should have called it “digital optical discs”, “physical media”, or something else.

  • Jill Young Jill Young 11 months ago

    I prefer DVDs over streaming. IT is better quality. The prices in stores are $5-20 less, Blu-Ray is overpriced… I love DVD! I don’t own many Blu-Rays because of high price, only when they are $10 I will get them… DVDs I can afford any price. I love movies on discs. IT proves to someone you own them, and not a digital download…. you do not need internet connection for Discs. Same with music CDs, I have a lot… So yes, physical media is the best!

  • Brandon brown Brandon brown 7 months ago

    I stopped reading at #1. You say you shelled out $$ three times for a movie for your kids. Why? Why didnt you just buy it which would be cheaper than the DVD and more convienent. Your point about traveling with kids doesnt really hold up either. You can either buy or rent movies and download them before you leave on your trip. No WIFI, no worries…….with it downloaded you can watch it as many times as you want. DVD’d are dead as Dillinger, Dade.

  • Stephen Cabral Stephen Cabral 7 months ago

    If discs are dead, then why does my local Target sell them? And why Stop & Shop sell them? Is it because they like wasting space in their stores. And how did Frozen just sell more discs than any other DVD in history? I think it’s because many people like to own physical stuff, not digital bytes. Not everyone is like you and you shouldn’t assume they are.

  • Veronica Moss Veronica Moss 3 months ago

    What I think is really important when selling used DVDs is to compare the prices of the different selling websites. There are so many different sites that you need to get an overview of the best prices to be sure that you can make more money out of your old DVDs. To get the best price I always use Bonavendi.com. It is really a cool comparison site and very easy to handle. Here is the link if you want to check it out: http://www.bonavendi.com/sell/b/DVDs.html