Congressional Spouses for Suicide Prevention and Education

Congressional Spouses for Suicide Prevention and Education

NAB Congressional PSA Campaign

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) is once again inviting members of Congress, their spouses and family members to tape free, professionally produced public service announcements (PSAs) on issues of importance to communities across America. NAB will distribute the PSAs to local broadcast radio and television stations in participating members' districts or states. Click here to view PSA scripts and videos and to schedule your appointment for taping your PSA video.


Suicide is on the rise in our nation and is now the 10th leading cause of death.  During the course of our lifetime, more than 80% of us will lose someone we know personally to suicide, with more than 20% of us losing a family member.  Did you know that one in five completed suicides now occur among our nation’s veterans?  Did you know that suicide is now the second leading cause of death in the U.S. for ages 10 to 34 or that in some Alaska Native and American Indian communities, suicide rates are eleven times the national average?  Did you know that the largest increase in suicide rates is occurring within our elderly population?

These statistics do not suggest hopelessness.  In fact, we can reduce the stigma associated with seeking help and save lives, and those are good reasons to hope.  We can bring out into the open conversations about mental illnesses that affect more than 50 million Americans and contribute to more than 90% of suicide deaths. 

We know we are all busy.  Our family commitments, combined with our professional and political obligations make time a precious commodity.  Even with all of the challenges we face individually, and those we face collectively, last year we felt compelled to answer the call of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to begin an important conversation among ourselves, our families, our communities and our nation.  In 2012, several House and Senate spouses agreed to co-chair the Congressional Spouses for Suicide Prevention and Education.  We are now asking you, too, to answer that call, by spending a little bit of time with us to learn more.  

Please click here to view a brief video about the Congressional Spouses for Suicide Prevention and Education.

For more information, please call 202-449-3600 ext. 112 or email

Up Close and Personal - An intimate evening with Judy Collins, singer and author

Join us for a very intimate evening with folksinger/songwriter/author Judy Collins.  Proceeds benefit AFSP's Congressional Spouses for Suicide Prevention and Education initiative.  6:30, June 10, 2015, at the Organization of American States.  Savories, sweets, stories, and songs.  Tickets $1,000.  For information, tickets, or sponsorships contact us at or 202-449-3600 x 112.