State Policy

IL Cap Day group photo (1)

Are you concerned about the number of people who die by suicide in your state? Would you like to see changes that can help reduce suicides? If so, we invite you to join AFSP in our state advocacy efforts.

Thousands of AFSP Suicide Prevention Advocates across the country are working to shape state and local policies aimed at reducing the number of people who die by suicide. Policy issues that impact suicide include those addressing suicide prevention training, access to mental health care, bullying, and other issues.

Suicide Prevention Advocates participate in task forces and coalitions, work with state legislatures to draft legislation and testify at hearings, send letters to decision makers and local media, facilitate trainings, promote quality educational programs, and develop relationships with local school boards. They participate in town halls. They share their stories. They get the word out that policies can make a difference in reducing suicide.

AFSP provides ongoing guidance and support to our Suicide Prevention Advocates through our AFSP Public Policy Office.

Join Us. Become a suicide prevention advocate today.

AFSP needs your help to achieve our state-level priorities:

In 2014-2015, Suicide Prevention Advocates have inspired positive state policy changes by:

Advocates in Action: Learn how other Suicide Prevention Advocates are inspiring change and making a difference.