10 Things You Can Do for Yourself in the Aftermath of a Suicide Loss

1. Know that everyone grieves in his or her own way and at his or her own pace. There is no timeline or set rhythm for healing.

2. Be kind to yourself and be gentle with yourself.

3. Eat nutritiously and get sufficient rest.

4. Exercise: walk, run, swim, cycle, etc.

5. Head outdoors and spend time in nature.

6. Give yourself permission to seek professional help—individual and/or family therapy or counseling—and, if applicable to you, call on your personal faith to help you as well.

7. Learn more about the experience of suicide loss by reading the stories of those who are further along in their grief journey.

8. Join a support group or online community for suicide loss survivors.

9. Participate in walks and events such as International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.

10. Get involved with the survivor loss community by volunteering with an organization such as AFSP.