Local Chapters

AFSP’s growing network of 75 local chapters nationwide join together those who have lost someone to suicide, individuals with mental disorders and their families, mental health professionals, community and business leaders, and others interested in preventing suicide.

Our chapter volunteers deliver innovative prevention programs to schools and businesses, reach out to survivors of suicide loss, organize fundraising events, and act as a go-to resource for their entire community.

They are at the forefront of increasing the public’s awareness of suicide as a public health issue that is preventable.

Please join us today to help build a world without suicide.


Find Your Local Chapter


Our National Office

120 Wall Street
29th Floor
New York, NY 10005

Toll-Free: 1-888-333-AFSP (2377)
T: (212) 363-3500
F: (212) 363-6237
General Inquiries: info@afsp.org
Press & Media Inquiries: pr@afsp.org