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Web developer guide | MDN
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    Web developer guide

    These articles provide how-to information to help you make use of specific technologies and APIs.

    Note: This page is going to be a mess for a little while until we finish migrating content. Our apologies!

    CSS developer guide
    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML
    Event developer guide
    Events refers both to a design pattern used for the asynchronous handling of various incidents which occur in the lifetime of a web page and to the naming, characterization, and use of a large number of incidents of different types.
    Graphics on the Web
    Modern Web sites and applications often need to present graphics.
    Guide to Web APIs
    Editorial review completed.
    HTML developer guide
    HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the core language of nearly all Web content. Most of what you see on screen in your browser is described, fundamentally, using HTML.
    Localizations and character encodings
    Browsers process text as Unicode internally. However, a way of representing characters in terms of bytes (character encoding) is used for transferring text over the network to the browser. The HTML specification recommends the use of the UTF-8 encoding (which can represent all of Unicode) and regardless of the encoding used requires Web content to declare what encoding was used.
    Mobile Web Development
    This page provides an overview of some of the main techniques needed to design web sites that work well on mobile devices. If you're looking for information on Mozilla's Firefox OS project, see the Firefox OS page. Or you might be interested in details about Firefox for Android.
    Optimization and performance
    When building modern Web apps and sites, it's important to make your content perform well. That is, to make it work quickly and efficiently. This lets it work effectively both for users of powerful desktop systems as well as for handheld devices with less power.
    Parsing and serializing XML
    The Web platform provides the following objects for parsing and serializing XML:
    The SVG-in-OpenType work is currently in the hands of the MPEG group. Once we're ready for wider adoption the information from wiki.mozilla.org will be moved here, updated and expanded.
    The Web Open Font Format (WOFF)
    WOFF (the Web Open Font Format) is a  web font format developed by Mozilla in concert with Type Supply, LettError, and other organizations. It
    User experience
    Making the user experience of your Web site or app a pleasant one for your users is important if you want users to come back and use it again and again. Here you'll find articles that may help you along.
    Using FormData Objects
    The FormData object lets you compile a set of key/value pairs to send using XMLHttpRequest. Its primarily intended for use in sending form data, but can be used independently from forms in order to transmit keyed data. The transmitted data is in the same format that the form's submit() method would use to send the data if the form's encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data".
    Web terminology guide
    This guide to common Web terminology will help you understand the rest of the documentation here on MDN a little better.
    JavaScript is the powerful scripting language used to create applications for the Web.

    See also

    Document Tags and Contributors

    Last updated by: AdamC,