Honor a Loved One

Those who have lost someone to suicide often find it very powerful to transform their grief into action. There are many ways you can do this, either privately or publicly.

Consider what might best honor your own healing journey, and share it with others only if you are feel comfortable doing so.

There is no right or wrong way to honor your loved one. Here are some ideas: 

  • Plant a tree in their memory.
  • If you can afford it, donate a park bench, or engrave a plaque with your loved one's name.
  • Write about your loved one. If you wish, share it in a way that feels right to you.
  • Ask your loved one's relatives, friends, or co-workers to contribute their favorite memories or photos, and use them to make a scrapbook or memory box. This can help you to celebrate your loved one’s life while giving others a chance to get involved, too.
  • Cook your loved one's favorite meal, participate in activities they liked, listen to music they enjoyed, or read a book that reminds you of them.

Some survivors of suicide loss find it healing to help others through AFSP. You can:

The best way to honor a loved one is to take care of yourself.