Game Designer

Game Designer


Welcome to my portfolio site!

It’s currently under construction, but have a look around!

I am a current graduate student at Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA), the University of Central Florida’s game development Master’s program.

Throughout my time at FIEA, I have specialized my education in game design, gaining extensive experience with not only designing compelling games, but working with and leading teams of artists and programmers in their actual creation.

My design experience has been focused on gameplay and level design. Being the project lead and lead designer of one of FIEA’s capstone games and being the design creator of another has granted me vital experience in designing compelling games and working with teams to bring them to life.

In addition to designing games and features, I have skill in writing game design documentation giving me the ability to communicate concepts with clarity and simplicity.

I am finishing up my final semester at FIEA as a game design intern at Shiver Entertainment in Miami. Since beginning, I have had an amazing experience exercising my design skills in the areas I’ve always been most passionate about.

While my portfolio page is under construction, you can still take a look at some of the major projects I have worked on. Please don’t hesitate to contact me about anything!