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Risks for China, and U.S., in Beijing’s Growing Involvement in Middle East - Washington Wire - WSJ
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20150906203209/http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/05/20/risks-for-china-and-u-s-in-beijings-growing-involvement-in-middle-east/tab/comments/
2:19 pm ET
May 20, 2015

Think Tank

Risks for China, and U.S., in Beijing’s Growing Involvement in Middle East

    • An unwritten objective is containing or keeping the Russians from having a warm water port in Iran.

    • An unwritten objective is containing or keeping the Russians from having a warm water port in Iran.

      Good observation. What's happening in Syria is because Russia has a navy port and air base in Syria west coast. And what's happening in Ukraine now is because again it has a navy base of Russia in Crimea. Crimea even has Russia's only navy shipyard that can make aircraft carrier and missile cruiser. Anyone believes all the chaos in these countries are coincidence?

    • @3:51. Agreed. We must ignore headlines and leads. Old Middle East hands of course know that America is Israel's client state, not the other way around as the MSM would spin it. As long as Israel's resolve is unmistakable, all others are jockeying among themselves to manage the risks of saying or doing anything too dumb amid rapidly changing circumstances propelling shifting emphasis and alliances.

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