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JetPhotos.Net » Photo Link
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Want to put a link to a photo in JetPhotos.Net Database in your personal homepage, a forum post, or anywhere else on the net?

JetPhotos.Net Photo Link HTML Generator

Simply press the 'Select All' button, copy the text using CTRL-C, then paste the text anywhere you'd like to have this photo in your webpage!

Your HTML Code:

To allow the photo to adapt to the design of your webpage, you can select the colors of the background, photographer's name, and the JetPhotos.Net titles. Select the options for your link to a photo and hit Generate to create the inline code to use in your webpage.

SlideShow Options
Photo Id:
Leave Photo Id blank to choose
a photo of the selection below
Select Photo Selection...
Photographer ID:
Spotting Group ID:

Background Color: Pick
JP Color: Pick
Photog's Name Color: Pick
Thumb Size:  Normal   Small


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