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Top Stories
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20150701210815/http://episcopaldigitalnetwork.com/ens/category/top-stories/

Integrity celebrates 40 years with festive Eucharist

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] In a colorful and festive Eucharist, members of the Episcopal LGBT community and its supporters celebrated the pioneers and victories of the past 40 years while looking ahead to the work yet to be tackled. An estimated 1,200 to 1,500 worshipers attended the triennial Integrity Eucharist at General […]

Joint session focuses on taking home the Five Marks of Mission

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] The Five Marks of Mission – and how to put them to work at home – were the topic of discussion for deputies and bishops at a morning joint session in the House of Deputies on June 30. Developed by the Anglican Consultative Council between 1984 and 1990, […]

Fossil fuels, climate advisory committee resolutions move to House of Deputies

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] The House of Bishops passed two resolutions June 28 and June 29 aimed at environmentally responsible investing and creating a climate change advisory committee. The resolutions now move to the House of Deputies for approval. Bishops passed Resolution C045, which calls upon the Investment Committee of Executive Council, […]

Video: Interview with Presiding Bishop-elect Michael Curry

[Episcopal News Service] In an 18-minute interview with the Episcopal News Service, Presiding Bishop-elect Michael Curry speaks about his priorities for leadership and administration, the role of the church in engaging God’s mission in the world, the state of race relations in the U.S., the importance of Anglican Communion partnerships, and his commitment to what […]

Marriage-equality resolutions advance to House of Deputies

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] Four days after the U.S. Supreme Court made marriage equality the law of the land, the House of Bishops approved two new marriage liturgies for trial use and a canonical change to remove references to marriage as being between a man and a woman. The resolutions now move […]

Bishops lead march against gun violence: Full coverage

Video: Bishops lead march against gun violence

[Episcopal News Service — Salt Lake City] About 1,500 General Convention participants joined a Bishops United Against Gun Violence procession in Salt Lake City the morning of June 28. The prayerful procession walked the half-mile from the Salt Palace Convention Center to Pioneer Park while marchers sang hymns and prayed. Members of Utah anti-gun violence […]

General Convention resolutions target gun violence

Outdoor prayerful procession features testimonials against reliance on firearms

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] While 1,500 General Convention participants joined a Bishops United Against Gun Violence procession here the morning of June 28, several resolutions targeting gun violence are making their way through the legislative process. The prayerful procession walked the half-mile from the Salt Palace Convention Center to Pioneer Park while […]

Little United Thank Offering’s blue boxes fund big dreams

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] The United Thank Offering’s little blue offering boxes are everywhere throughout the Salt Palace Convention Center – some 20,000 of them distributed so far, according to UTO Missioner Heather Melton – and every penny collected during the General Convention will go to support innovative young adult ministries. It’s […]

Episcopal Relief & Development fetes 75 years of healing a hurting world

[Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] It feels good to be 75, Robert Radtke, the president of Episcopal Relief & Development, said in an interview earlier this week as General Convention was getting underway. He was referring to his organization’s 75th anniversary, marked over the course of the past year by an online weekly […]