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Familiar | Definition of familiar by Merriam-Webster
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noun fa·mil·iar \fə-ˈmil-yər\

Definition of FAMILIAR

:  a member of the household of a high official
:  one who is often seen and well known; especially :  an intimate associate :  companion
:  a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person
a :  one who is well acquainted with something
b :  one who frequents a place

Examples of FAMILIAR

  1. <a longtime familiar of the bar, she would most likely have been there on the night in question>
  2. <with old familiars the normally reserved writer can be quite warm and funny>

Origin of FAMILIAR

(see 2familiar)
First Known Use: 13th century


adjective fa·mil·iar \fə-ˈmil-yər\

: frequently seen, heard, or experienced

—used to say that something is easy for you to recognize because you have seen, heard, or experienced it many times in the past

: possibly known but not clearly remembered

Full Definition of FAMILIAR

:  closely acquainted :  intimate <a familiar family friend>
obsolete :  affable, sociable
a :  of or relating to a family <remembering past familiar celebrations> (see 1family)
b :  frequented by families <a familiar resort>
a :  being free and easy <the familiar association of old friends>
b :  marked by informality <a familiar essay>
c :  overly free and unrestrained :  presumptuous <grossly familiar behavior>
d :  moderately tame <familiar animals>
a :  frequently seen or experienced :  easily recognized <a familiar theme>
b :  of everyday occurrence <a familiar routine>
c :  possibly known but imperfectly remembered <her face looked familiar>
:  having personal or intimate knowledge —used with with <familiar with the facts of the case>
fa·mil·iar·ly adverb
fa·mil·iar·ness noun

Examples of FAMILIAR

  1. The essay covers familiar ground.
  2. She has become a familiar figure in the world of politics.
  3. She spoke in a familiar way about her past.
  4. an essay written in a familiar style
  5. a familiar way of addressing someone
  6. They felt the waiter was being overly familiar.
  7. Some authors, such as Richard Rodriguez and Ruben Martinez, will be familiar to media mavens outside the region … —Ray Olson, Booklist, 15 Oct. 1996

Origin of FAMILIAR

Middle English familier, from Anglo-French, from Latin familiaris, from familia (see 1family)
First Known Use: 14th century


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